Category "zurich"

Cheapest way to get from Zürich (Switzerland) to Brussels (Belgium)

In the last week of October I plan to go to Brussels. I'm leaving from Zurich in Switzerland. I already did some research and tried to get a train ticket. The t

What one-day trips are available from Zurich (Switzerland)?

I'm looking for some suggestions for one-day trips from Zürich (Switzerland). It isn't limited to Switzerland, but the place should be reachable within one

Lockers at train station Hardbrücke in Zürich?

I'm going to Zürich, Hardbrücke tomorrow evening. I have a big suitcase with me which I don't want to carry all along. So I want to place it in a lock

Cheapest way to get from Zurich to Elba Island, Italy?

I have to be in Elba from 9/2/2012 until 9/8/2012. I checked for various ways to get there. It seems that flying is not really an option since I can't find flig

No cheap, direct flights from Zurich, Switzerland to Vancouver, Canada?

In the middle of August, I want to fly from Zurich to Vancouver. Therefore I used various flight search engines to see what flights are available. I couldn't fi

Windsurfing in Switzerland (or nearby areas)

What are the recommendations, options, possibilities for windsurfing in Switzerland? I'm especially interested in Zurich and places with nice transport connect

10 hour over night layover in Zurich

Firstly, does Zurich airport allow you to sleep over night in the departure area? (My layover is the middle of winter so I don't want to be sleeping outside.)

Avoiding tilting trains in Switzerland

I really don't like tilting trains, because I always feel slightly sick in there. With normal trains I don't have any problems at all. Unfortunately, there are

Cheap hotel or B&B in Zürich

Looking for this summer to spend a couple of days in Zürich. I am looking for a basic hotel, with a double room. The prices on for hotels / apartments o

Train from Zurich to Vienna - anything to look out for?

I will be soon be travelling by train from Zurich to Vienna, with 8- and 5-year-old children. Obviously we will be packing 'things to do', but are there any thi

Do any of the ski resorts near Zurich offer late season (May) skiing?

While none of the hills in and around Zurich offer skiing (though they do make for nice walks in the snow), I'm told that there are several good ski resorts wit

What is the fastest way from Zurich to Eindhoven, by public transport?

I'm looking for the fastest way using the normal public transport options (plane, train, etc.) from Zurich to Eindhoven in Autumn. Flying seems not really to be

Is the drive from Milan to Zurich considered difficult, generally?

I am travelling from Milan, Italy to Zurich, Switzerland and would like to drive, but I'm not sure how difficult the drive would be. Would someone be able to de

What is the cheapest way to get from Zurich to Nice?

I am travelling to Europe next month, and would like to know the cheapest means and/or modes from Zurich to Nice as I plan to depart from Nice.

Do I need a transit visa through Zurich with a Canadian visa? [duplicate]

Do I need a transit visa through Zurich with a Canadian visa travelling from Botswana?

City centre of Zurich

It will be very helpful if someone spots the city centre of Zurich in Google Maps.

Driving from Zurich to Milan in the winter

I am driving from Zurich to Venice. What kind of kind of driving conditions can I expect in mid December, especially through the mountains? Are the roads well m

Stay close to nature with daily access to Zurich

In a multi-destination holiday around Europe, Zurich is in my way, and I wish to stay in Switzerland for 3-4 days. However, accommodation in Zurich is quite exp

How much time should I allow for getting a Swiss Railways "Junior Travelcard" at Zurich Airport?

We are spending a week in Switzerland in August with our 9-yr-old daughter. If we get a Swiss Railways “Junior Travelcard” for her for 30 CHF, she c

What cities are close to Zurich that have great history around WWII?

A colleague and I will be in Zurich in early October on business. We may have only one "tourist day" for the whole trip. We're both into WWII history and woul