Category "washington-dc"

How far into Washington, DC should I drive before taking the Metro?

I plan to drive to Washington, DC, but my understanding is that the Metro is far better than driving for actually getting around downtown DC. First of all, is

Theatre/Musical or other activities in Washington DC [closed]

A good friend of mine will work in Washington, DC for two months in the summer of 2012. Since she will have completed her doctoral studies by

Should I take the "scenic route" from Indianapolis to Washington DC?

I'm going to USA on a business/pleasure travel for 1 week in mid-September, and booked open-jaw flight to Indianapolis and then flying home from Washington DC.

How to get to/from Washington Dulles International Airport?

How do I get to/from Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C.? I've reviewed the options on the website and it's hard to tell what's actually the combination easiest

Getting to Reagan Airport (DCA) early in the morning

I'm planning a trip to Washington, DC in October and I need to do something different from my previous trips: fly back home out of Reagan Airport (DCA) early in

Can tourists visit the White House or the US Capitol Building?

As a tourist in Washington DC, is it possible to visit either the White House, or the US Capitol Building? If it is possible, does the process differ for US re

Going on a tour of the Pentagon as a non-US citizen?

I'm wondering about going on a tour of the Pentagon when I'm in Washington next month. I'd be interested in knowing what I have to do to apply, and what you ge

Can we bring a stroller on DC Metrorail?

We're planning a trip to bring my 2.5 year old son to visit the National Museum of Natural History and the National Zoo in the US. Our hotel is right by the

Two nights in Washington DC, what are good areas to stay?

I will spend two days visiting Washington DC at the end of May (on my way to a professional meeting in Baltimore). I intend to see basic stuff: exterior of the

How to travel from/to Washington Dulles and Annapolis?

I've seen a related post on how to get to/from Dulles airport, but I wanted to see if there is any specific further advice to traveling from the airport to Anna

Are there any ships I can travel on from USA to India?

I want to go from Washington DC to India by sea. Is it possible? How many days it will take?

Wild game for lunch or dinner, in northern Virginia, USA?

I am planning to go to visit friends in northern Virginia and I wonder if there are restaurants or diners or food stands that serve wild game in the area? Like

How can I witness a United States Supreme Court session?

Supreme Court Visitor Services Page talks about how to enter the building and says that "no photography or video recording is permitted inside the Courtroom" bu

Washington DC to Hampton / Newport News by Ferry

I wonder if it is possible and how much it would cost to travel from Washington DC to Newport News (or somewhere near) by boat along the Potomac River?

Scenic restaurant overlooking Washington DC

While planning a trip to Washington DC I was wondering whether there is some restaurant/bar from which you can overlook downtown at sunset/night. An example i

What is the cheapest mode of transportation to DCA for a 6AM flight? [closed]

The metro isn't open that early, and I want to be there early enough to get through security in time. I've used Uber before, but the fare was

Washington, D.C., or just Washington? [closed]

What is the (formal) name of the capital of the United States? Is it "Washington" or "Washington DC"? I'm aware that "DC" refers to "Distric

Understanding the Washington DC Metro Ticket Machines

I have visited Washington once before. It was a wonderful 3 days in the capital only spoilt by our utter and total confusion for the metro ticket machines. This

How early can you check in your luggage for Amtrak at Washington union station?

I'm arriving into Union station early in the morning, departing at 10pm I know I can check my luggage for the journey, but can't find an earliest time, the la

How to get to/from Washington Dulles International Airport?

How do I get to/from Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C.? I've reviewed the options on the website and it's hard to tell what's actually the combination easiest