Category "rome"

Is it worth getting a one-week public transportation pass for Rome?

My friend and I are first-time travelers who will be visiting Rome for a week in late September. According to, a week pass could be gotten for 16 Euro

In Rome, are some days less busy than others?

I'm spending a couple of weeks in Rome in July, and I'm thinking about how to schedule the things I want to do. I appreciate that this is the high season, and e

Rome football derby - how can I visit it?

I want to get into the Rome for the famous Rome derby, but don't know anything about possibilities of buying the ticket for foreigners, on which stadium should

What is the best way to get from Rome to Venice?

We're looking for a way to get from Rome to Venice and back in late September. By "best", we're looking for a combination of cheap safe fast ... in approximat

What is the best way to fit the sites I want to see in Rome into two days?

Definition of "best": Cheap, time-efficient, in that order. I'm going to be in Rome for two full days and I want to hit up the following sites: Day 1: Colos

Are sunny, warm days a pipe-dream in Venice/Rome in late November?

We are taking our first family trip to Europe this Thanksgiving (Nov 16 - 27th). Our itinerary is 3 days in Venice, 3 days in Florence and remaining in Rome (l

What are the popular tourist places to visit while stopping in Rome? [closed]

Me and my girlfriend are stopping in Rome for a week in June. Currently places that we were thinking of visiting that are popular tourist pla

Where are the shopping areas in Rome?

My girlfriend and I are visiting Rome soon and she mentioned yesterday that she may like to explore the shopping district when it occurred to us that we didn't

Is there a dress code when visiting the Vatican in Rome?

I've heard from friends who have been to Rome that you must cover up when you visit the Vatican as they have a strict dress code. What does "cover up" mean? I

List with events in Rome

In June I'm going to visit Rome. Is there a (good) website where I can find events, concerts, etc. that take place in Rome?

Transfer from Fiumicino Aeroporto to the City Center

There are several possibilities to get from the airport to the city center in Rome, unless you are arriving after 11 PM. After this time there are only taxis an

Where are good places to get gelato in Rome? [closed]

In most cities, there are recommendable gelato shops. Rome is in Italy, so I guess every gelato is very good, but are there some shops in Rome

Where to stay in Rome? [closed]

Ok, TripAdvisor lists like 1500 hotels in Rome. We have no idea what area to stay in. We would like to be close to shopping and sites. We a

Do I need to book in advance to see attractions in Italy in October?

I'm planning to go to Italy in around October. I've been told that since Italy is so touristy, it's a good idea to book entry to famous attractions beforehand.

Do I have to be Catholic to visit the Vatican City?

Are only Catholics/Christians allowed to visit the Vatican? If not, can the non-Catholics access the same areas as Catholics?

Rome to Paris by train

Can anyone tell me how can I book Rome to Paris train ticket? I am trying Trenitalia website but not getting any results. I want the fastest train, preferably

STATI Schengen : What does it mean

I am going to Europe for my honeymoon. My entry and exit is from Rome. My Visa says Stati Schengen, Type C. I understand Type C is for short term travel. Can

Which place is best for for "sky diving" out of Rome, Paris & Venice? [closed]

I am planning to visit Rome, Paris & Venice for a holiday. One of my want is to do skydiving through an aeroplane. Can anyone tell me out

Are the integrated tickets for public transport in Rome valid for the FR1 train line between Fiumicino and Trastevere?

I'm looking at the options for public transport in Rome, and there's the Integrated Weekly Ticket ('Carta Integrata Settimanale', CIS), which is valid for all b

Oldest monument in Rome

I know this question might seem a bit weird, but this is really difficult to find an answer to me. Rome is well known to be one of the city in the world which