Category "azerbaijan"

Will Armenia and Azerbaijan permit a tourist to enter if they have the other country's stamp in their passport?

I know that there are certain pairs of countries (which do not get along with each other) where a traveller will not be permitted into one country if they have

Will Nagorno-Karabakh put my entry/exits stamps on a separate piece of paper?

Certain countries won't let a visitor enter if they have a passport stamp from certain other countries. One case is Azerbaijan which will not permit you to ent

Does an Azeri visa cost $100 for an Australian citizen no matter how they get it?

I just noticed in Wikipedia that as an Australian citizen I can get a visa for Azerbaijan upon arrival but for the huge price of $100. So is that price only fo

What's roughly the lowest price range for accommodation in Nakhchivan?

It turns out that Azerbaijan has an exclave called Nakhchivan which shares a border with Turkey. Haven't heard of it? Well it seems neither have most of the we

Where can I find details of the bus between Tbilisi Georgia and Baku Azerbaijan?

WikiTravel and other easily Google-able sources tell me there are buses that run between the Georgian and Azeri capital cities, but no details. I'd like to know

What are the visa requirements for a Chinese citizen to visit Azerbaijan?

I have a guest at my hostel from China who hopes to take a bus to Azerbaijan tomorrow. He believes that he either doesn't need a visa for Azerbaijan or that pe

Is there a different visa procedure for Azerbaijan if you're going there for Eurovision?

I was just talking to a bunch of cyclists outside the Azeri embassy or consulate here in Batumi Georgia. Everybody was waiting for it to open so they could get

How to get from Sheki to Tbilisi

How should I travel from Sheki, in Azerbaijan, to Tbilisi, in Georgia? Are there direct connections? If not, where should I expect stopovers? Can I only tra

Low-cost airlines to Azerbaijan?

Wikipedia's list of low-cost airlines does not have any entry for Azerbaijan (or any other country of the area). Is there really no concept of low-cost airline

Status of David Gareja - rocky monastery on the top of the mountain

In summer last (2012) year I visited Georgia, and I was with my friends in David Gareja. They were tired, and I decided to climb a hill south of the monastery,

Regarding Afghan nationals visiting Azerbaijan

I heard that visas will be given to Afghan passport holders upon arrival to the Azerbaijan airport. How true is that? A second question: what nearby country iss

Souvenir shops at Heydar Aliyev (Baku) airport?

I have an upcoming trip, later this month, that includes a short (1-1/2 hour) stopover in Heydar Aliyev (Baku) airport. Having never been to Azerbaijan before,

Is travelling through all central Asian countries (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) possible only with transit visas?

I'm a Chinese national, living in Belgium right now. I am thinking of departing from Azerbaijan, then taking a ferry to Turkmenistan, then Uzbekistan and maybe

Rail travel between Azerbaijan and Georgia

I'm looking for any advice please. I'm travelling around Azerbaijan this August and need to work out the best way to get from Ganja in Azerbaijan to Tbilisi in

Mobile internet in the Caucasus

I'm going to be traveling through the Caucasus for a couple of weeks, visiting Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. I'm assuming there's no cellular provider that

Do I need a visa to transit between separate flights at Baku Airport Azerbaijan

I bought a ticket with Aeroflot from Copenhagen -> Baku (Azerbaijan), and returning from Yerevan (Armenia) to Copenhagen. My plan was to backpack Azerbaijan,

What time do buses and marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi for the Azerbaijan border?

I am planning to travel from Tbilisi to Baku via the Red Bridge border crossing. Could you advise me what time buses and marshrutkas leave from Tbilisi's railw

Nagorno-Karabakh [closed]

I already have my ticket to Armenia and I aim to visit Karabakh. I'm particularly interested in the area below Togh in the South-West which is

Baku-Tbilisi train

I'm going to take the Baku-Tbilisi Train this summer, and would like to know if the Train stops at the Samgori Station in Tbilisi? If not, where does it stop b

What is the cost and schedule of the bus between Alat and Baku in Azerbaijan?

What does the bus between the Alat port and Baku cost? I will be arriving in Alat on a Ferry from Aktau (Kazakhstan) and need to get to Baku from there.