Category "new-mexico"

Where can I find a schedule of small rodeos in Arizona and Utah?

We're making a driving trip through Arizona and Utah (and a bit of New Mexico and Colorado), and we would like to see a rodeo along the way. I'm hoping there's

How can I locate World War I related sites in the American southwest?

We're planning a trip through New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. My son is studying WWI, and I'm wondering if there are any museums, still-extant factories or the l

Is the town of Continental Divide, New Mexico located on the actual continental divide?

There is a small town in New Mexico on I-40 called Continental Divide (wikipedia isn't very helpful here). I see on this map that the Continental Divide Trail d

What are the true hours Gila National Forest is open?

On Google Maps, the hours for Gila National Forest are posted as 08:00-16:00, M-F. However this doesn't seem right, for a few different reasons. It's a pretty

Eco-driving betweeen Phoenix and Austin through Albuquerque

I've found out that my car is capable of doing about 2× of the city mpg if driven on highways at 50—60mph in place of 70—80mph (going 80mph ap