Category "tgvair"

On an Air France "train", can you credit the trip to Flying Blue or SNCF Voyageur?

For an upcoming trip, it's looking like the cheapest and simplest way to travel will be a train from Lille to Paris CDG, then a flight onwards from there. Playi

With Air France "TGVAir", can you check in the night before?

I've booked a combined train + flight ticket with Air France, which involves taking a TGV to Paris CDG airport, then an onward flight. The TGV leaves very early

Long (3-hour) layover in Paris CDG connecting with a TGV train, where should I wait?

I am taking the AirFrance TGVAir plane+train combined ticket, and I have a three-hour layover in Paris Charles de Gaulle before I can board my train from CDG (y

I booked an TGVAir train+plane ticket with Air France, must I travel the first (train) leg?

I have a booked TGVAir train+plane ticket with Air France. The problem now is that SNCF, the company that will effectively be handling my train journey, announc

Can I re-enter Charles de Gaulle airport's Terminal 2 TGV station to catch a train to Montpellier?

I will be reaching Paris around 20:00 and I am planning to stay the night at a nearby hotel to catch an early-morning train the next day, to Montpellier. Is it

Plane ticket includes train ticket (Europe), what if I do not show up at train station?

I have to travel from Tijuana (Mexico) to Brussels (Belgium) on a business trip. The flight is operated by AirFrance and goes: from Tijuana to Mexico City (Aero