Category "starwood"

How does the Starwood Hotels in-app check-in work for affiliates without a keyless entry system?

I see that Starwood Properties has been rolling out the In App Check-in and Keyless entry but has not installed them yet at the Westin Brand in Scottsdale. Was

How do "Early Departure Fees" work when booking a Starwood hotel?

How do "Early Departure Fees" work exactly? If I booked a room for 4 nights, and I want to leave after 2 nights, and I have pre-paid for the 4 nights, will I st

Old Marriott Gold perks after SPG/Marriott account merger

Last year, I acquired Starwood (SPG) Gold through staying a bunch of nights at SPG properties. When I linked my account with Marriott, I was comped to Marriott