Category "electronic-items"

What kind of plug adapter should I pack for India?

I'm travelling around a few cities in India, from Delhi to Bangalore. What type of plug adapter should I pack?

Is there a Sat Nav that works in Israel? (preferably with good coverage)

Does anyone know of a SatNav device or SatNav software for iPhone that has maps of Israel available (preferably with good coverage).

Turning off GPS on a flight?

Inspired by a question if it is allowed to use a Kindle during a flight, I'm wondering if it is okay to use a GPS watch like this. I use this for practice purp

What kind of plug adapter should I use when traveling in Indonesia?

How would I charge, say, an iPad with the standard U.S. adapter and cable? (Asked on behalf of a twitterer.)

Electronics in sealed box as carry-on luggage: issues at security?

We are going to a conference and we are taking a new ipad with us to give away but we don't want to box to be opened. Will they just run it through the scanner

Can you use a kindle as a boarding pass?

I heard that a reason for the low energy consumption of a kindle is that it uses some sort of "electronic" ink. Electricity is then only used to change the ink

Shipping a computer from Europe to the U.S [duplicate]

I plan to be travelling to the United States from Europe (the Netherlands specifically) and want to bring my computer. I measured it and it ex

Is there a standard power adaptor to use on airplanes?

For international flights of 12-15+ hours, do the planes usually have AC power available in Economy? If not, is there a standard "airplane power adaptor" that c

Laptop Searches by Customs - UK and US

I'll be traveling to the UK (London) on a study abroad in the spring and will be bring my laptop for school and intern purposes. I was just curious what/if any

Is there a powerstrip that accomodates most if not all AC power plugs?

You can buy travel adapters for AC power plugs, but do powerstrips exist that accommodate different international power plugs in one unit? When travelling and c

Why do you need to take out your laptop from your bag during airport security checks?

Why do you need to take your laptop from your bag during airport security checks? Why can't they just x-ray check the whole bag together with the laptop?

Are there electrical plugs and/or wifi in Japanese shinkansen?

Do the Shinkansen trains have wifi? How about electrical plugs? If it depends on the train, these are the ones I'll be taking: Hikari 546 (Hiroshima->Shin-

What sort of computer / electronic device would you take on a backpack trip around Europe to allow you to keep in touch?

As you may have seen in my other posts I am in the early stages of planning my Eurotrip this summer which if you are interested in seeing the planned route go h

Are bluetooth headphones allowed on flights in the US, particularly on United Airlines?

I have a United Airlines flight this week and I would love to listen to an Audio book for the duration. Unfortunately my only working pair of headphones are bl

For US travel are Wireless mice banned?

My mother recently traveled to visit and had mentioned that wireless mice are recently banned from air travel? Also, is there a reason why? Is that a flight po

What US electronic appliances will work on 220V/240V?

We are headed to Italy from the US. We plan on packing light but with an 8 year old (and an amateur photographer), we will be taking the following items. I've

What kind of power sockets do Jet Airways' Boeing 777s have?

A set of upcoming flights I have with Jet Airways is on their Boeing 777-300ER planes which offer shared power sockets in economy class. (Yay!) But what sort of

How best to prevent data loss while travelling?

For my next long holidays I have some massive travel plans. I'll spend some months in remote areas and I plan to take a lot of pictures with my digital camera.

How do I prevent damage to electronic devices at airport security?

I have travelled with a laptop before with no problems (not recently), but for an upcoming trip I will, for the first time, be carrying a smartphone and a Kindl

What's a good way to generate solar electricity while driving?

I'm driving cross country and back this summer, and will be baking in the sun for most of it. So I'm looking for recommendations for gear and/or strategies for