Category "iraqi-kurdistan"

Where can I apply for Kurdistan short-term residency?

For a UK citizen, can the process for a short-term residency permit for Kurdistan be started and completed once in Kurdistan (say, for those eligible, in the 15

Do I still need a blood test for a Kurdistan residency permit?

For a stay exceeding 15 days[1] in Kurdistan even nationals of some visa free countries need residency permission. The short-term requirements are mentioned by

Supplying your own needle for Blood test for a Kurdistan residency permit

For the blood test (if still required) (see Current blood test requirement for Kurdistan residency permit) can one supply one’s own needle? Details of

Do I have to fill out a form when submitting a blood test for a Kurdistan residency permit? If so, what details does it request?

I'm trying to find out whether or not a blood test is required at present (see: Do I still need a blood test for a Kurdistan residency permit?). What does/di

Passport blank page requirements for Kurdistan

How many consecutive blank pages are required in a UK passport for (1) entry to Kurdistan for a citizen from a visa free entry country together with (2) a short

Is it safe to travel to Iraqi Kurdistan? [closed]

Considering the current situation with ISIS in Iraq, is it safe for U.S. citizens to travel to Erbil and other major cities (Kirkuk and Sulaym

What documents required in order to pass by motorcycle from Turkey to Northern Iraq?

For example, a Spanish citizen wants to go from Spain to India overland by motorcycle via France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, turkey (crossing f

I have an F1 US student Visa. Will I get in trouble visiting Iraqi Kurdistan when I come back to the US?

Question says it all. I am from Europe but I go to school in the US. I graduate this year and I thought about visiting Iraqi Kurdistan this year, before I gradu

Is travel to Iraqi Kurdistan without an Iraqi visa a problem when applying for a UK visa?

I will soon be making a UK visa application to extend a temporary stay in the UK. Iraqi Kurdistan gives nationals of most Western countries visa-free access. H