Category "lakes"

How to visit Lake Hillier?

Is it possible to visit Lake Hillier? Do I have to go with tour or can I for example rent a car and go there? I see no roads near it.

Travelling overland to Mammoth Lakes, California on a weekend

I will travel to Mammoth Lakes early May. I would like to minimise my flying to as few legs as possible (for ecological and sightseeing reasons), so I will prob

Is there any good way to know if a water-mass is safe to bathe in?

There is a lot of pollution around, and a lot of abuses of the natural resources. For example, on I-80 in Nevada, it is not uncommon to see some sort of man-ma

Park or lake with jogging and outdoor gym in Kuala Lumpur?

In many cities there's an obvious place to go for a run, such as along a beach front, around a lake, along the river, or some nice big park. In Kuala Lumpur th

Beaches on lakes in Germany - security aspects

I usually travel alone, which raises security issues. The most serious they are on beaches near lakes - when I want to swim, I have to leave all belonging on th

Lake McKenzie turning green?

One of the most magnificent tourist destinations in the world is the largest sand island in QLD Australia, called Fraser Island. On it you can visit a crystal

How do I get to Abant Lake from Istanbul?

I'm planning to go to Istanbul and I heard that Abant Lake is nice throughout the year. So, I'm planning to go there for a day as well. What worries me is how t

Where is this lake?

The filename of this image is "rocky mountains", but it rather looks like Norway to me. Where is it exactly? No source I find through Google Images or through

How to reach the clearest lake in the world?

The clearest natural fresh water lake in the world is apparently Blue Lake, near Nelson in New Zealand. I'm wondering how one would reach it - the tracks to ta

Chicago's summertime weather [closed]

I'm curious about Chicago's summertime weather. My understanding is that the Lake acts as a heat sink. It absorbs a lot of the sun's radiati

Water activities on West Scotland's Lochs

Since Scotland is full of small lakes that promise nice views due to their proximity to mountains, I am wondering if I can rent a boat/kayak/canoe on some of th

How to go boating on Pichavaram lake?

I want to go to boating on Pichavaram lake located in Tamilnadu,India. Are there any boating services available in this area? Please provide information about

Is this airliner-shaped lake real?

On a flight over Utah, I spotted a strange shape on the flight route app on the seat LCD that looks just like an airliner: Not believing my eyes, I checked O

Are there paraglide/paramotor operators around Lake Toba?

I am looking for information on doing a paragliding trip around Lake Toba. I have no paragliding license, so I am looking for a tandem trip with a pilot. I see

Inle lake entrance fee

Do you have to pay the entrance fee if you only want to visit the lake? We are not interested in visit the pagodas, but we would like to visit the area (may be

Norway location for vacation with Lakes and fields but no people? [closed]

I'm looking for places to spend my vacation in Norway but I want something like a field empty with no people no cities, no cars, just silence

Old Painting - Identify Location

Recently I received an old reprint of a painting. At first it was just typical 1950's cheap wall art to me, but since having it on my wall I've begun to like it

Zurich Lake boat ride

There is a boat ride at the Zurich lake and I want to know where can I get the boat for that boat ride. Is there a specific location where I can board that boa

Where was this photo taken (screensaver on LG Oled TV)?

Can someone please tell me where this picture of a church on an Alpine lake was taken?

Are there any natural lakes within 3-hours of Dallas?

I became engaged in a debate at work and I'm trying to track down an answer to the following: are there any natural (not man-made) lakes within a 3-hour drive o