Category "eurozone"

What is the best method for exchanging dollars for Euros?

I'm traveling from the US to Europe in a few weeks. When and what is the best method of exchanging dollars for Euros? I imagine there's options like: at th

Are there any ATM fees within the Euro zone?

I am about to travel in Europe within some euro zone countries. Also, I am from a euro zone country (still) and all my bank accounts are in euro. I have debit a

What is the best method for exchanging dollars for Euros?

I'm traveling from the US to Europe in a few weeks. When and what is the best method of exchanging dollars for Euros? I imagine there's options like: at th

Are Euros accepted in Gothenburg or is conversion to Krona possible?

I will be travelling to Gothenburg via Copenhagen. I have a traveller's card that has Euros on it. Will I be able to use the traveller's card to withdraw Euros

What is the best method for exchanging dollars for Euros?

I'm traveling from the US to Europe in a few weeks. When and what is the best method of exchanging dollars for Euros? I imagine there's options like: at th

Can I travel to Cyprus with German temporary residence permit?

Currently, I have temporary German residence permit its called "Vorläufige Bescheinigung über einen bewilligten Aufenthaltstitel" as I understood righ

Known places that exchange 500 euros notes

The 500 euro acceptance at shops and markets was highly discussed in this post: Are 500 Euro notes accepted by banks in Spain? However, I'd like to know if t

Validity of German debit card in Switzerland

I have a Deutsche Bank maestro debit card that i got in Germany with no magnetic strip, but a chip. I am traveling to Switzerland next week. Can I make transact