Category "alcohol"

How to avoid drinking vodka?

This summer, I spent some time in Moscow and St. Petersburg; I also visited a friend and his family. Their custom was to drink a lot of vodka during the meal. W

Will I get in trouble if I drink beer in public in Dubai?

As far as I know, Dubai is a Muslim country. And as far as I know, it is forbidden to drink alcohol in Muslim countries. Is this also true for Dubai and tourist

Limit on alcohol bottles or containers when traveling back into the US

Is there currently a limit or maximum allowance of declared number or measurement of alcohol (whether wine, liquor, beer) bottles/containers when traveling into

What are the rules surounding alcohol in Morocco

I will be in Morocco for New Year's: what are the rules surrounding alcohol? Firstly is alcohol even available? If so do I need a permit or is it just a case

Looking for micro breweries in the Tokyo area

We will spend a couple of days in the Tokyo area and it would be really fun to visit a microbrewery there. So I am looking for microbreweries in the area or pla

Is it feasible to do a Monopoly board pub crawl in London?

Putting aside the question of how intoxicated one might become, is it feasible to travel to all the "streets" on a Monopoly board in London in a single day? Ho

How to avoid having my drink spiked in a bar

How do I avoid being the victim of drink spiking in a bar? (As in spiking to steal money or commit credit card fraud, not for sexual assualt) Presumably I shou

What can I use instead of a corkscrew? [closed]

When travelling, we may want to obtain some wine, but I don't want to have to bring a corkscrew with me. What can I use instead?

Classic Aussie pub (hotel) in central Sydney

I'll be meeting my dad in Sydney next month, and after dinner (already got that scoped out) we'd like to head to a nice, old-school, civilized pub/hotel for a b

Bring wine from Europe to Asia

Next month I'll be flying to Philippines with my family and since is not usual to find wine in that country, we thought we can bring our own wine (wrapped and p

Is there a Trappist brewery I can visit on a day trip from Ghent?

I am going to Ghent for a conference in October and have a Saturday and most of a Sunday to spend before flying out from Brussels. Is it possible to visit one

Is there another area similar to Waterfront in or around Vancouver, BC?

Today I was at Waterfront in Vancouver. There you can walk around the harbor almost directly at the waterline and get some beer in one of the bars there. Is the

Importing beer to the US via PHL and SFO

The FAQ of the US Embassy in Germany states Adults at least 21 years of age who are not residents of the United States may bring in, free of duty and intern

For fear of flying is drinking alcohol a healthier option than pills?

I have a series of flights ahead of me and I have a fear of flying. I usually drink in excess prior to boarding.I drink around 0.5 litres of beer and around 3 s

What is a good place in Las Vegas for a scotch and cigar?

I'm going to be in Las Vegas for a couple days for a conference and would like to take some time to break away one evening for a scotch and a cigar, what would

Is it possible to visit the Bundaberg Rum Distillery in a day trip from Brisbane, without a car?

Since coming to Queensland, I've tried Bundaberg rum, cooked with Bundaberg sugar, and now I've found out about the possibility to visit the Bundaberg Rum Disti

Do rental cars in France come with the two legally required breathalyzers?

As of June 2012 France requires all cars / drivers to carry two self-test breathalyzers. Do all rental car companies supply them and if I use one what is the c

Is it allowed to drive a bike after 1 (2, 3) beers in Germany?

What is the regulation about bicycle driving in Germany? What is the acceptable alcohol rate in blood? So, am I generally allowed to drive a bicycle after 1 or

Can I import homebrewed alcohol to Norway?

In Norway, as far as I know, the sale of all alcohol is nationalized. I'm going to visit my friend there, and his parents want to send him a bottle (He is from

Where to get Duty Free Liqour in UAE?

Is there any place from where we can get liquor products at duty free prices in United Arab Emirates?