Category "myanmar"

Is it possible to travel through Burma (Myanmar), entering at one border crossing and exiting at another?

I know that it is possible to enter Burma/Myanmar from several border crossing with neighbouring countries, and I'm pretty sure that from some of them at least

Are there still parts of Burma that are off-limits to tourists?

When I visited Burma (Myanmar) in 2006 large parts of the country were not accessible to foreign tourists or you needed special permits to visit certain regions

What curfews, if any, exist in Myanmar at present?

I am currently looking to travel to Myanmar (Burma) and had read about some curfews. I was wondering if this is still the case because I couldn't find a great d

How to get from Put-O to Kyaing Tong

How can I go from Put-O to Kyaing Tong in the Shan state without returning to Yangon?

What documents do I need to do a visa run at Thailand/Myanmar border?

I'm having a hard time figuring out what documents I need to provide when I show up at the Burmese border to do a Thai visa run. According to http://www.mip.go

How to get an entry permit for Myanmar in Mae Sai?

While doing research for an upcoming visa run to Myanmar, I was directed to a Wikivoyage article that indicates that Thai citizens can enter Myanmar without a p

Myanmar : Malaria pills for february/march

I'll be visiting Myanmar during February and March and was wondering how necessary is for me to take Malaria pills (I heard about nasty side effects). I will n

Can I travel to Burma/Myanmar over land across the border from China?

I'm currently in Kunming and there is a Myanmar consulate here. I'm assuming most people fly. I know there has been some quite recent trouble in the area. But

Where exactly is the Myanmar consulate in Kunming, China?

Yesterday I thought I'd wander down to the Myanmar consulate here in Kunming to ask them for more details about getting a visa and visiting by crossing the land

Is the Lao / Myanmar border slated to open soon for foreigners?

I'm 99% sure that the border between Laos and Burma (Myanmar) is still closed for foreign travellers, especially for entering Burma from Laos. I'm pretty sure

Tourist cell phone use in Myanmar

Most countries allow you to purchase SIMS at the airport for cell phone use in the country. Can you do this in Yangon airport (RGN)?

Southern Myanmar - Travel restrictions as of late 2015?

How far south can I travel by bus or car, without the need to take any boat/cruise and without any permits? Lonely Planet Myanmar (print edition, Aug 1 2014) s

What hours are taxis available at Yangon Airport?

I will be traveling to Yangon, Myanmar in March. My flight arrives at 10:50 pm on a Friday night. I imagine it will take me some time to go through Customs

What is the cheapest way to get a visa for Myanmar in Chiang Mai?

I'm currently in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. I want to travel to Myanmar overland, so I can not use the online e-visa as it is only valid when arriving by pl

How fast is the mobile network (3G) in Myanmar (in February 2016)?

I found out on that the 3G coverage is very good coverage in the cities Yangon, Naypyitaw & Mandalay. Outside of these cities, things seem to

How far in advance before journey date can train tickets in Myanmar be bought?

I reached out to travel agency based in Myanmar to look into reserving train tickets from Yangon to Mandalay, and they came back with this: [The request] w

Crossing border from India to Myanmar

I know that India–Myanmar–Thailand Trilateral Highway is still under construction and may become operational later this year. However I came to know

Where should I go in Yangon to buy computer parts / electronics?

I own a Microsoft Surface Pro 2 and I've forgotten my charger back home. I'm currently in Yangon and was wondering if there's an "electronics quarter" in town

Are there any bungee jumping sites in Myanmar?

What it says in the tin: are there any bungee jumping sites - preferably in the Irrawady or Central Myanmar region - that are open throughout out the year as op

Identify this waterfall in Myanmar

Planning my next trip to Myanmar I've found this image in this website. According to the site this should belong to one of these places: Yangon, Putao, Macha