Category "rural"

I am looking for a hotel search engine for rural areas

I am trying to find a bucolic holiday destination, which means finding a nice hotel in a small beautiful village for spending some quiet time. Most search engi

What is the closest bucolic holiday destination to the City of London?

I have been looking at weekend accommodations in London. For a family with children, this seems quite challenging. At the same time I am seeing quite some nic

How to locate a bucolic camp site when on the road in the EU?

Is there a way to identify a bucolic camping when you are on the road and you don't manage to reach you final destination in one day. I usually have camping gea

Within 300 km of Tokyo: Where for flora, landscape, nature? [closed]

I plan to visit Japan for 10 days and apportion 5 days to Tokyo. For the remainder, I want to escape the megalopolis and enjoy picturesque bac

Within 300 km of Tokyo: Where for flora, landscape, nature? [closed]

I plan to visit Japan for 10 days and apportion 5 days to Tokyo. For the remainder, I want to escape the megalopolis and enjoy picturesque bac

Consider Hokkaido or not, if relying solely on public transportation?

I thought to segregate this question on Hokkaido from the original. I'm still interested in the other points. 3. I won't drive, so must rely on public transpor

Within 300 km radius of Tokyo - Coastal/seaside destinations in Japan for nature and relaxation? [duplicate]

Since I'm planning to visit Japan for 10 days and plan to apportion 5 days to Tokyo, I thought to reframe this question inside a 300 km radius

How to understand the Indian Railways from abroad?

In many developed countries finding train routes and approximate times is easy. In the US, Japan, and much of Europe one can use a simple query on Google Maps.

Traveling in South Korea's countryside as an English speaker

I plan to travel in South Korea's countryside by car in May and June. I only speak English. Will language be an issue when booking a hotel (I'll probably only b

Islands and similar where visitors cannot take a car

I love car-free islands and other locations where visitors cannot take a car, but that are still reachable by public transportation, inhabited or not. Some exa

How much country-side can I see by train [Prague-Kutna Hora]?

I am visiting Prague in the near future. I really want to travel somewhere outside of Prague that doesn't have too many tourists. I really want to experience

Staying in the Mongolian countryside on a reasonable budget

I really enjoyed going on a guided tour (myself, a tour guide, and a driver) of the Mongolian countryside, but it attracted a price tag that'd be expected for h

Travelling to rural areas in the US without a car

My friends will be visiting me in US from abroad, and I'd like to travel with them. We are thinking of travelling across many states. One concern that we have i

Basic campsites in Black Forest (Schwarzwald) [closed]

I'm hoping to find a cheap basic campsite in the Black Forest for a family of four. Not fussed about flash facilities, electric hook up etc. C

Is the Koboro rail station really inaccessible by land?

Koboro Station, in rural Hokkaido, is a famously remote train station. According to Hokkaido Likers, Koboro train station on the Muoran Line "cannot be reached

How to avoid accidental trespassing while exploring rural US?

I am planning a road trip through some rural locations in Tennessee and North Carolina, US. The intention is to visit some places of particular interest (e.g. f

Islands and similar where visitors cannot take a car

I love car-free islands and other locations where visitors cannot take a car, but that are still reachable by public transportation, inhabited or not. Some exa