Category "bishkek"

Dushanbe to Bishkek overland - options?

So after having to dash back to Dushanbe for some emergency medical supplies, I'm now short on time - and won't fit in the Pamirs this trip...but I'll HAVE to c

Bishkek (or Almaty) to Novosibirsk next week

Next week I'll be leaving Bishkek - a little short on time, and need to hot-foot it to Novosibirsk, Siberia. Probably on Monday night or Tuesday day, depending

What time is the daily train from Balykchy on Lake Issyk-Kul to Bishkek?

There is a train line from Bishkek to Balykchy, on Lake Issyk-Kul, in Kyrgyzstan. The train leaves Bishkek at 6.40am, and takes around 4 hours. This is slower