Category "water-sports"

Windsurfing in Switzerland (or nearby areas)

What are the recommendations, options, possibilities for windsurfing in Switzerland? I'm especially interested in Zurich and places with nice transport connect

Are there places to hire windsurfing gear in New Caledonia?

Having seen videos like this, I'm thinking that New Caledonia is looking like a pretty amazing place to go windsurfing! However, all the videos I've seen seem t

A place to rent a killer whale submarine?

Before you close the question, take a look at the killer whale submarine :). I would buy one but I do not have $100,000. So is there a place in the world to re

Kayaking Activities Off Phuket, Thailand

A couple of friends will be staying on the Thai island of Phuket for a week and shall be located on the south east of the island in the resort of Cape Panwa. Th

How to protect electronics on a beach holiday/vacation [closed]

In a world full of personal electronics from mobile phones to cameras, does anyone have ideas to keep them safe from water and sand on seaside

Which diving center in Thailand is providing shark diving in summer?

I am searching for dive centers which offer shark diving in Asia in summer and read may I find them in Thailand. As it can cost a notable amount of money for me

Inner tubing down rivers in the United States

I've got this crazy idea to have an adventure trip inner tubing down a large river in the USA and stopping off at various locations along the way. Unfortunately

Wave sailing trip in Maui: where to stay?

A wave sailing trip mean that your principal occupation is going to the spot. What are some good place to stay regarding the location, the fact that you have a

How to pack for traveling by airplane with windsurfing gear?

What is the best way to pack windsurfing gear when traveling by airplane? By windsurfing gear let's say: 1 board 2 masts 3 sails 2 fines 1 extension 1 wishbon

Where is the highest Bungee jump above sea?

I want to know, Where is the highest Bungee jump above sea?

What is the quality of the rafting on the Nile at a Jinja after the damming of Bujagali Falls

I have found a company offering Grade 5 Rafting on the Nile near Jinja Uganda. They make no mention of the fact the Bujagali Falls have been dammed and what if

Is there scuba diving / snorkelling in Sierra Leone that is safe e.g. from sharks?

I am planning to visit Sierra Leone. I have seen some pictures and the beaches are awesome. They have beautiful and appealing islands for diving and snorkeling.

Water activities on West Scotland's Lochs

Since Scotland is full of small lakes that promise nice views due to their proximity to mountains, I am wondering if I can rent a boat/kayak/canoe on some of th

Is there any white water rafting nearby Bangalore, India? [closed]

I am living in Bangalore. I am looking for a one day outing nearby Bangalore. I am looking for water adventures like white water river rafting

What should I consider before choosing a Sub-Aqua Certification Organisation? [closed]

I recently suggested to my fiancé that we certify in Sub Aqua as a hobby. We have both ocean snorkeled and taken some preliminary swim

What is the most convenient possibility to rent a kayak for the Allier?

A friend and I are members in a kayaking club in Germany, and want to go to our club's tour on the Allier. We have a common friend who is interested in coming a

Is there such a thing as individual tourism with water plane?

Seeing many water plane regular lines operated near Vancouver I was wondering if there is a thing like touring with water planes. What I have in mind is renting

"Mudflat hiking" (wadlopen in Dutch) in the Frisian Islands, where and how?

I would like to to walk to/in the Frisian Islands, in The Netherlands, in the sea. You can even cross from the mainland to the Islands, I heard. I know you need

Freediving schools in Indonesia

Where can I find freediving schools in Indonesia? I've heard there are some around Bali but I'm also interested in freediving in Java, Komodo & Sulawesi.

Where can I go windsurfing or snorkeling in July in southern India?

I'm visiting an event in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in July this year and I'm wondering whether I could add on a week at the beach afterwards. I usually go wind