Category "proof-of-funds"

When applying for a Schengen visa, how do I prove that my employer/company will pay all my costs?

I'm Filipino by nationality and have been working in Saudi Arabia for more than 3 years. I've already started working on the requirements for getting a Schengen

Do I need to supply 3 months salary slips for Schengen visa application?

Do I need to supply last 3 months salary slips to apply for a Schengen tourist visa? I recently registered a limited company and will only receive my first pay

What should I do to apply for a Schengen visa without income tax return?

I would like to apply for a Schengen visa to travel to Florence, Italy between 30th June to 8th July where I will be attending EuroPython. My request for the gr

How to declare Schengen Visa Sufficient Funds for girlfriend?

Got a quick question here. I'm going to Europe with my girlfriend, and we need to apply for our visas. She's still a university student though, so I'll be cover

What would be considered "evidence of adequate funds" for entering Hong Kong?

I'll be visiting Hong Kong for a few days next week. I noticed this statement on the Hong Kong Visa Requirements page: must have a U.S. passport valid for

Italy Schengen tourist visa Funds documentation

Why is Savings Bank Account statements not acceptable for the purpose of Tourist Schengen Visa to Italy ? The official website clearly mentions that only Curren

Financial support proof for France Schengen visa

I am planning to apply for France Schengen visa soon. This is 9 days total (including travel). They need my current account statements for the last 3 months. R

Documents to prove sufficient means of subsistence when applying for Schengen visas for my family

I will be traveling to the Netherlands with my wife and daughter, and will be supporting all the expenses for my family. I am applying for the Schengen visa f

Proof of sufficient funds for transit in Japan

I will arrive at Haneda Airport at 19:00PM and depart from Narita Airport at 17:25PM the day after. Hence, the time spent staying in Japan will probably be arou

Visiting Costa Rica: How to prove sufficient funds?

Upon visa-less immigration to Cost Rica, I would have to prove sufficient funds of $100 per month of residence (Source) Since I don't expect them to have a dol

Financial proof to get a Schengen visa to France

I am planning to apply for a Schengen visa to visit France. I have an attestation d'acceuil, but the visa requires I submit bank statement for the past 3 months

Proof of funds for a US Visitor Visa Application [closed]

I am applying for visitor visa in US, while staying in Canada. I do work remotely (outsourcing/freelancing) for a company in US to make my liv

Is ITR mandatory for US Visa for an Indian resident?

I am an Indian resident, and I will need to apply for a US visa in a while through my employer. I am not sure which visa it will be but it will be for a short d

How much money do I need when applying for a Greek visa?

I am applying for a tourist visa to Greece. I am planning to go on Christmas period. I knew that the Greek embassy are rejecting many visa applications, so I am

UK general visitor visa refused for funds evidence?

My visa was rejected because I failed to provide bank statements. I'm a drop-out student and at present I don't work and I don't study, so I don't have any acco

How much money do I need to show as proof of support when applying for a UK Standard Visitor visa?

I am an Indian citizen studying in Italy on an Italian visa that expires 19 November, 2015. I have permesso di soggiorno. I want to visit the United Kingdom for

How much money do I need to show as proof of support when applying for a UK Standard Visitor visa?

I am an Indian citizen studying in Italy on an Italian visa that expires 19 November, 2015. I have permesso di soggiorno. I want to visit the United Kingdom for

Bank balance for Schengen visa?

My boyfriend and i are planning 10days trip to Italy. So basically he is sponsoring the trip. My bank account does not have sufficient amount. Also we are right

Can I convince embassies to accept my overpaid credit card as a proof of funds?

I managed to put a few $k USD in my PayPal account from a side business over time. Now, the only problem is PayPal does not have the option to send me the money

Source of travel funds when applying for a UK visa as a married couple

Can someone suggest if me & my husband both are travelling to UK for vacation and paying for our share of expenses like half & half...What should I fill