Category "altitude"

Precautions taking the Tren a las Nubes

I would really like to once ride with the tren a las Nubes. Wikipedia says the tour takes 15 hours, but I can't find any information on where to buy tickets and

Avoiding or minimising altitude sickness?

From my personal anecdotal experience, I've seen first-hand some horror stories with altitude sickness. I will always tell people now to acclimatise, drink flu

Preparing to take a 5 year old on the hike to Machu Picchu

I am planning to take my 5 year old on a trek through Peru. One of the places to visit is Machu Picchu. Given its location above sea level I was wondering how

Traveling with luggage in Machu Picchu region and avoiding altitude sickness

We have a trip ahead in South America that includes about 4 days in Cusco - Machu Picchu region. The main purpose of this part is obviously to see Machu Picchu,

Does staying in a windowless room have any effect on altitude sickness?

I'm planning to stay in a windowless room in La Paz, Bolivia for around 5 days. It's significantly cheaper than the comparable room with windows, and to be hone

Hiking at moderate altitude right off the plane

I am traveling to Denver (5280ft/1609m) this weekend from DC (0ft/m), and we are planning on doing some hiking the day we arrive. The particular hike we are loo

Does a long flight on a jet provide a headstart to altitude acclimatisation?

Would a long flight, such as across the Pacific, provide a headstart to altitude acclimatisation?

How to learn an airplane cabin's pressure level before a flight, to avoid altitude sickness?

Commercial jets are typically pressurized to the equivalent of 6,000 to 8,000 feet of elevation. But according to a study,[1] passengers begin feeling uncomfort