Category "culture"

References for tipping etiquette in different countries? [closed]

Where can I find information about tipping etiquette in different countries? I'm hoping for a comprehensive database so I don't have to ask ab

What should we consider when buying a gift for a host family in Turkey?

In September, we are traveling to Turkey. Part of the trip is a family home stay. We will be staying with a local family who will feed and house us for the nigh

What considerations should I make for traveling in Israel on the Sabbath?

I am planning to travel around Israel (from Oct 19 to Nov 5th), and I am wondering what effect the Sabbath will have on transport, restaurants and the sights. S

Are there any travel experiences in New Zealand that offer a Maori "cultural immersion"?

I am wondering if it's possible to travel to New Zealand as a tourist and immerse in Maori culture. By this I mean homestay in a traditional Maori area where p

Are there any travel experiences in Australia that offer aboriginal (or Torres Strait) “cultural immersion”?

I am wondering if it's possible for a traveller in Australia to immerse in aboriginal culture, or Torres Strait Islander culture. By "immerse" I mean stay in a

How to avoid drinking vodka?

This summer, I spent some time in Moscow and St. Petersburg; I also visited a friend and his family. Their custom was to drink a lot of vodka during the meal. W

How can I get people to speak the local language to me?

I went to Paris 2 years ago. When I was there, I was learning the language by talking and listening to the local people. But, while I was trying to speak French

Where to stay for London nightlife?

For those looking to travel to London and enjoy the nightlife, where would be the best area to stay? Requirements are nearby bars, alcohol and 20-something crow

How to cope with disgusting fellow travellers?

This summer I was in Krakow. We stayed in a hostel and did an organized tour from there. We visited Auschwitz concentration camp. We were a group of approximate

Vomitorium: Only common in the German-speaking world?

The first time I saw something like this in a Swiss Restaurant in Zurich I was really confused. What should it be used for? (photo by TheoPB, available under

Which countries are "Muslim countries"?

In the question about drinking beer in Dubai it arose that the term "Muslim country" can be seen as one where the laws of the country are affected by the rules

I have a tattoo. Can I visit a public swimming pool in Japan?

A friend of mine is currently traveling in Japan. She has a small tattoo on her neck. Now she wanted to visit a public swimming pool but was denied entry. It w

Where can I see a Mbalax performance in Dakar?

I'd like to see a performance of Mbalax, a type of dance music in Senegal incorporating modern music and traditional drumming. Is it very common? Where in the c

Breast feeding in Iran

We are considering a trip to Iran with a 5-month old. What is the local attitude to breast-feeding in public places? Is it legal? Are there any severe consequen

Karaoke for solo travellers

How can solo travellers do karaoke in Japan? Are there places where you can meet random strangers and do karaoke with them? Failing that, are there places whe

What do travellers to England need to know about social class?

One aspect that British society is known for its social class system, but how does this apply to foreigners? I will be in London and Manchester for a week, and

How to successfully haggle / bargain in markets

While I've done quite a bit of travel now and back myself to handle situations when it comes to border guards, sorting accommodation and / or transportation, on

Is there any United States slang I should avoid in the UK or Ireland?

We'll be spending a couple weeks this summer in the UK (Scotland and London), then a week in Ireland. Is there any slang common in the United States that we be

How can I meet people while traveling in the UK

I'm taking a trip to the UK next week. I am looking forward to visiting London and seeing a lot of things like the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert th

What are some practical hand-out gifts you can take with you when travelling?

I happens quite often that you make new friendships while on the road or that you are hosted by someone you are visiting. On such occasions you usually want to