Category "finland"

How to get from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport into Helsinki city centre?

How to get from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport into Helsinki city centre quickly and without paying too much for it? Bonus question: how about if the flight arriv

Which Cities In Finland (if any) Have a Medieval Architecture?

When I visited Helsinki, it was arguably the most avant-garde capital in Europe. That's because it had been founded in the late Middle Ages, and apparently had

K-18 tickets in Finland

What is the difference between K-18 ticket and regular ticket for an event (concert)?. It has probably something to do with adult/not adult distinction.

Temporary exhibitions in Helsinki before christmas

We will spend a day in Helsinki in the beginning of December. (As we do most years cruising from Stockholm.) What temporary exhibitions are available in Helsink

Travel from the UK to Finland with a Spanish Schengen visa

I have a Spanish Schengen visa. I am now In Spain and I will go soon to the UK, and then I'm planning to go to Finland, Does a multiple entry visa allow me to

Beaches accessible from central Porvoo

I'm visiting Porvoo (known for its historic centre) tomorrow. It's going to be quite hot (for Finland anyway) at 26°C, so, besides sightseeing, chilling at

How many hours should I consider allowing to visit Suomenlinna and Seurasaari islands?

I'm planning a trip to Helsinki (a quick trip indeed, just one day and a half) and I don't want to miss some spots like the Suomenlinna island (the only UNESCO

Feeling the spirit of Helsinki, where?

When I visit a city, besides visiting the main tourist attractions, I usually like to see some places that can make me feel the true spirit of the place I'm vis

Prepaid SIM card for data in UK, France, and Finland

I want to buy a SIM card with prepaid data plan in UK. I will travel around France and Finland. I'm staying for less than a month, and I expect to use <250 M

Need fast mobile internet while in Finland for 1 month

I need a data plan while in Finland for a month later this year. I'm going to ask for loaner cell phone and laptop from my work. I was thinking of asking for

Mixed-gender naked swimming pools in Finland

I've just read about Yrjonkatu, which is a Finnish swimming pool where nudism is allowed, but only on separate days for men and women. Are there any pools in F

Almost 24 hour over night layover in Helsinki

I am traveling from Beijng to New York and an airline which I am choosing has a layover of 23.5 hours at Helsinki airport. I'm a Chinese and don't have Finland

Vegetarian budget options in Finland

I am new here and I have some specific questions regarding an upcoming business travel to Finland. I hail from India and would be put up at Helsinki centre for

What type of car do I need for a trip in Finland?

I'm currently planning a trip to Finland for one week, and think we will go to the following places: Arrive in Helsinki Step to Tampere Step to Jyväskyl&a

What kind of visa is necessary to volunteer (WWOOF) in Finland for 6 months?

I'm not Finnish but I've always wanted to visit and plan to do so for 6 months. While I'm there, I'd like to volunteer through WWOOF. Is this even possible? I

Can I leave the Helsinki airport on a layover, as an American

I have a 24 hr layover in Helsinki. I am traveling in a US passport. Can I leave the airport, check into a hotel, and take a bus into the city?

Did Finland's border authorities make a mistake?

I live in Denmark, my friend comes from Korea. Last year on December 21st, she (Korea) travelled here with a transfer in Helsinki airport. She's staying here un

How can I get to Iceland on a cargo ship?

Planning a low budget and environment friendly trip to Iceland from Helsinki, Finland next summer for me and my friend. Haven't been able to find relevant infor

Late night buses from Helsinki airport to Turku in December?

I'm traveling in December. I arrive at Helsinki airport (HEL) at 9pm and would like to get to Turku as soon as possible. What is the latest night bus availabl

Schengen visa waiver for US citizens after residence permit expires?

I'm a US citizen working in Finland. I'm waiting for my residence permit renewal to be processed, which takes quite a long time. (Recently, it seems that the