Category "genoa"

How to get from Genoa to Cinque Terre?

According to e.g. Wikitravel, there should be "regular local trains with high frequency" from Genoa (Genova) but it doesn't give any details. Which of the fiv

Weekend in Turin or Genova?

I live in Lyon an plan on spending a long "romantic/relaxing" weekend (3-4 days) in Italy with my gf. The thing is I want to get there by train, which means I'

Airport options for trip to Genoa and Verona

I am planning a trip to northern Italy. I will start it with two days of Giro d'Italia in and around Genoa and then I will move on to Verona for a javascript co

Trains in the Cinque Terre

I'm planning on traveling to the Liguria region of Italy, staying in Genoa, Rapallo and finally Vernazza. When I booked I was under the impression that trains b

In a restaurant in Italy, should I be seated when my food arrives?

I sat at the table, ordered the pizza. While it was being prepared, I decided to go to the bathroom for a short visit. An employee came (the griller) and while

Moved from room after bad insect bite, but what about the next guy? [closed]

I am staying in a hotel in Genova for three more nights. The hotel is prepaid by my grant, and leaving is something I don't want. Last night

Is it illegal to serve baby seafood in Italy? [closed]

It should, but what does the law say? In Greece for example, it is illegal to serve baby seafood of many species, following the over-fishing

Genova palaces and Greek Gods [closed]

In via Garibaldi 12, in the main hall, I saw 4 Gods: Zeus, Hermes, Athena and one more, which I didn't recognize. Maybe it could be Hera, sinc

Can I take a bicycle on the ferry from Palermo (Sicily) to Genoa (Italy)?

I would like to take a touring bicycle on the ferry from Palermo (Sicily Italy) to Genoa (Italy). The bicycle is a touring bicycle, i.e. fully assembled, cannot