Category "transition-of-visa-status"

Can a student visa to Australia be changed to a working holiday visa after the course without having to leave the country?

A friend here in Korea just told me he wants to get a student visa to study in Australia for six months then switch to a working holiday visa. I know Koreans a

Can I retain B1/B2 visa status along with a F1 visa to enter US more than 30 days before commencement of course at an University?

Will a person having a B1/B2 visa be allowed to retain their B1/B2 visa status along with F1 status? If so, can that person enter USA with the B1/B2 visa? I wan

Can I enter the UK as a tourist then on a student visa?

I am an Australian student going on exchange to the UK for six months. I am intending on travelling prior to the commencement of my studies. As a condition of m

As a Canadian Citizen, F1 visa to a B1/B2: will I have to leave the US and re-enter?

I am a Canadian citizen, and I intend to travel to the US for a student clinical elective at a university in Texas for the months of September and October. The

As an Indian Citizen, can I use my b1/b2 visa after f1 visa period or will I have to leave US and reenter? [duplicate]

I am from India.I intend to travel to the US for a student clinical elective at a university in Texas for the months of November and December.

Travel in Schengen after Swedish Temporary Residence Permit has expired [duplicate]

I am a US citizen and have been granted a temporary residence permit in Sweden on the grounds of visiting my father who lives there. I first s

Schengen area travel after Maltese residence permit expiry. Australian passport [duplicate]

Have been in Malta for over 90 days (since 28th Sept 2014) - though received a residence permit which expires 5th February. Does this mean

Travelling in the USA before start of Student Visa

I am doing an exchange semester at a US university this summer. I have a student visa for this however I was hoping to travel for longer than the 30 days allowe

Can I travel in UK before switching to a study visa?

As I read in general visitor visa Terms & Condition, I would only be granted to stay up to 6 months in UK. However I am planning to apply for General Studen

Can I travel in UK before switching to a study visa?

As I read in general visitor visa Terms & Condition, I would only be granted to stay up to 6 months in UK. However I am planning to apply for General Studen

Travel in Schengen zone with long term Visa expiry this month but residence permit valid till Mar 2016

My wife's Danish long term type D visa and work permit is expiring this month end ("valid until 30-09-15") but her residence permit issued (for job search) is

American traveling to Switzerland 5 days before work visa is valid [duplicate]

I have a work visa (PhD program in Switzerland) starting from December 20 2015-March 19 2015. It is my understanding that during this time, I

Long-term visa expiration + Count towards Schengen tourist days?

I am an American citizen living in Poland for 6 months. I arrived in Poland on February 1, 2016 without a Visa. The count toward my Schengen days began. I rece

after German residence permit expires, can I start my tourist 90/180 days? [duplicate]

I am an American studying abroad in Germany, but I want to spend up to 90 days as a tourist in Spain following the end of my program and the e

Need I leave and reenter the Schengen area after my work visa expires to become a tourist? [duplicate]

I am an American citizen living in Poland for 6 months. I arrived in Poland on March 1, 2016 without a work visa (i.e, on a business trip).Th

How to switch from Resident visa to Tourist visa status in the Schengen area?

I have a 1-year residence permit from one Schengen country that is now expiring. Upon its expiration, I would like to get my 90/180 days validity as a tourist t

Problems when exiting Schengen area on expired residence permit

My girlfriend is a Mexican passport holder. She studied in Netherlands for her masters and she possesses a residence card/permit from The Netherlands (the expi

May a C-1/D and B-1/B-2 holder stay two weeks in USA immediately after working on a sea vessel?

My father is working on board sea vessel, so he "entered" US using C-1/D visa. In the same time he has current B-1/B-2 visa. Is it possible for him to visit

Do I have to leave the Schengen area if I have a short term (C) visa that will expire right before my National Visa (D) officially starts?

If I have a Type C visa from the Norwegian embassy valid for February 9-28, and my Type D national visa from the German embassy valid from March 1 - August 31,

Can you stay in Australia after your work visa expires, if you also have a valid tourist visa (class 600)?

Assuming one has a working visa in Australia (class 457) and a valid tourist visa (class 600), can they combine the two stays by staying past the work visa's ex