Category "mongolia"

What is the best way to obtain visas for the Trans-Siberian/Trans-Mongolian Railway?

I'm planning on taking the trans-Siberian / trans-Mongolian from Moscow to Beijing via Ulaan Bataar next year and I'd like some advice on how best to organise t

What time of year is best for taking the Trans-Siberian Express?

I'm interested in taking a train journey from Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia. Is there a recommended time of year for this Trans-Siberian trip?

Trans-Siberian Express: Stopping along the way?

I'm planning a trip on the Trans-Siberian Express. I've already received excellent advice on a related post, but I've got a couple more questions. My plan is

Overland route from the Caucasus to Mongolia without entering Russia?

I plan to base myself in the Replubic of Georgia for a while and I'm thinking of a trip from there to Mongolia but I have some restrictions: No flying (overlan

Which airlines fly from Ulaanbaatar / Ulan Bator?

Looking at getting back to London from Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator), Mongolia in mid August, and trying to reduce the price. What airlines or crazy routes might ex

'Easiest' Place to get a Mongolian Visa?

I'm currently in Kyrgyzstan, waiting (like so many others), for a visa - for me it's to Kazakhstan. I'll go to Almaty, then up through to Russia (Novosibirsk),

Irkutsk to Ulaanbaatar by train or bus?

I've tried using for the trains, but it won't show me any train to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Despite this I know there are daily trains. What I don't know

Getting to Terelj National Park from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

I have one day left in Mongolia, and would love to get to Gorkhi-Terelj / Terelj National Park for the day. However, the only info I can find on getting there

How to travel on horseback?

What is the best way to become a horseback rider when you live in a city? The closest options are taking a 'lesson' for 2 hours and then pretty much you are lef

What is the best way to visit both Lake Khövsgöl and Lake Baikal?

I am interested in a trip to visit both Lake Khövsgöl and Lake Baikal. Khövsgöl seems to be in an extremely remote area so I'm not sure wha

Travelling to Kyzyl, Tuva from Mörön, Mongolia

How would one get from Mörön, Mongolia (near lake Khövsgöl), to Kyzyl, Tuva, Siberia, Russia? Our prior research indicates that unless one

Itinerary for 14 days in Northern Mongolia [closed]

So we have collated an itinerary for a 14 day trip in Northern Mongolia. I thought I would post this up here to tap upon the collective wisdo

Is there a land route from China through Mongolia to Tuva?

So those of you with an interest in Richard Feynman, throat singing, or bits of the world your friends have never heard of probably know of a place north of Mon

Process and recommendations for obtaining a prepaid micro-SIM card in Ulan Bator, Mongolia

What do I need to to do to obtain a micro-SIM in Ulan Bator, Mongolia? Specifically: Will I need to present my passport? Is there anything I should know abou

Land Rover in Mongolia with no hired driver

I am planning to visit Mongolia next year, mainly for wildlife and I wonder if it is possible to rent a Land Rover and drive it on our own, without hiring a dri

Cheapest flight generally from Ulan Bator to a country an Australian citizen doesnt need a full page visa for?

My current goal on this trip is to get to Ulan Bator, Mongolia but the Mongolian visa will use up the last blank page of my passport and I intend to keep travel

Obtaining Mongolian visa in Vientiane, Laos

If my Chinese visa application today goes well I'm hoping to then apply for my Mongolian visa here in Vientiane, Laos. But I can't find the current location or

How long does it take to obtain an expedited visa in the Mongolian consulate in Hohhot, China?

From searching around the Interwebs I can find information about getting a Mongolian visa in the Chinese border town of Erlian, Inner Mongolia, but not so much

What is the driving time in a car from Zamyn-Uud to Ulaanbaatar?

I'm in the border town on the Mongolian side near China. Tomorrow I intend to look for a car to take me to the capital, Ulan Bator. But when I use my usual too

Strange hotel sheets in Mongolia

I'm in my first hotel in Mongolia, at the border town with China called "Zamyn-Uud". The hotel actually has a cheap dormitory room with four beds and only me s