Category "cannes"

Trains connections between Cannes and Montpellier

The train connection between Cannes and Montpellier seems to be A bit tricky. There are trips with 2 or more trains changes. And then Ive found an intercitea f

Is it normal that I can't find any available hostels in Cannes in August?

Are there any beds available in hostels in Cannes on 6th August? I've used several hostel engines, and they only list hotel rooms... it seems that everything i

Are there any boats from Île Sainte-Marguerite to Île Saint-Honorat?

I am interested in going to the two Lerins Islands, opposite Cannes, France. I know that there are boats from the mainland to either island. However, is there

Hiking / nature walking in Cannes area without a car?

I am visiting several European destinations this summer, and I prefer spending some time in the nature. I've been to Cannes before and know the hills/mountains

Staying in Cannes and want to get in Paris

I plan on traveling trough France with my girlfriend and we are staying a couple of days in Cannes first. We want to see Paris too of course. We plan to travel