Category "lebanon"

Can I see Lebanon from Cyprus?

On the map, Cyprus seems not to far away from Lebanon. Approximately 100 kilometers. Is it possible to see parts of Lebanon from anywhere in Cyprus?

Can I be refused entry due to my place of birth?

Usually entry requirements are based on country of citizenship, but is it at all possible to be denied entry if you were born in a country in conflict with your

Exporting a queen bee from Australia to Beirut

I live in Sydney. My cousin who is a hobbyist bee keeper asked me to get him an Australian queen bee. I know that Australian laws are very strict on what to get

Public transportation to Sir El Danniyeh

Is there any public transportation from Beirut or Tripoli to Sir El Danniyeh? And if yes, how can a Westerner with no knowledge of Lebanese find the (presuma

Transit visa in Serbia

I am a Syrian citizen living in France and I have a long time residence permit there. I want to fly to Lebanon with one hour transit in Belgrade airport in Ser

How to travel to Lebanon without flying?

I would like to travel to Lebanon this October and prefer not to fly, mainly for ecological reasons. Which options do I have? Starting point would be nearly an

Ferry to Lebanon?

This company used to offer ferry connections between Turkey and Lebanon. But, it's not possible to book a crossing with them. Is there any company currently of

Can I go inside Lebanon during a long transit?

I have a flight from Dubai to Cairo with more than 9 hours transit in Lebanon with MEA airlines. Can I go out and discover the country during that time (getting

Can one visit Israel with a Lebanese passport only?

Asking for a friend. He does not hold any dual citizenship and only has a Lebanese passport. I am well aware of the diplomatic tensions these two countries hol

Can I travel to Dublin with a Permanent Residence Card ( issued from ITALY)?

I am a Lebanese citizin, living in italy for the past 6 years. I hold Lebanese passport and Italian permanent residence card. Can i go to Dublin for few days w

Lebanon - Visa on arrival requirements

My girlfriend is coming from Lithuania to Lebanon in a week, now I'm reading everywhere that Lithuanian citizens can get a "Visa on Arrival" while they are at t

Current (2020) money exchange in Lebanon for tourists [closed]

The official exchange rate is at 1 USD:1500 Lebanon Pound, however it seems the current street rate is at 1:6000 due to the recent situations