Category "southeast-asia"

Is it possible to travel through Burma (Myanmar), entering at one border crossing and exiting at another?

I know that it is possible to enter Burma/Myanmar from several border crossing with neighbouring countries, and I'm pretty sure that from some of them at least

Visa-on-arrival scheme in Philippines

According to Wikitravel, for nationalities who are not covered under the 21-day visa waiver, Philippines issues visa-on-arrival. The page linked to reads more l

Motorbikes in Thailand and Laos

Does anyone know of a place to hire motorbikes in Thailand, say Bangkok or Chiang Mai, and ride them into Laos and back? The trip will be self-guided and should

How to stay in Thailand for more than 30 days?

Thailand imposes a 30-day limit on stays for U.S. citizens travelling on a tourist visa. What is the preferred way to stay up to three months? So far, I've come

Sustainable hunting in South-East Asia

One of my buddies asked me a question and I don't have an answer for him. So, I thought I would run it by here. He is a big hunter. As in, he travels for hunti

How to travel with a (small) child in Vietnam?

My partner and I have done quite a bit of travel with each other over the last few years and are now expecting a baby. We realise that we probably won't be able

Are there certain days of the week or weeks in a month (barring major holidays) that are generally cheapest for flights?

I'm trying to figure out when would be best to travel, as I'm planning to travel towards the end of November, again in December, and again in March, if possible

Can anyone recommend the most interesting 2 or 3 day cycle in Vietnam? [closed]

If I wanted to go on a supported cycle in Vietnam for 2 or 3 days, where would be a good place to start/end? It would be good to see the coun

Top destinations in Southern Laos and how to get there from Cambodia? [closed]

I'm travelling in Cambodia and would like to Visit Laos for a portion of my trip. What are the top destinations in the southern region of Lao

What are the cheapest ways to get from East Asia to Australia?

I have a return ticket that gets me from Turkey to Korea to Australia but it cannot be extended beyond the end of May. I'm thinking of forfei

Wifi coverage in SE Asia?

So how common is wifi/internet access in SE Asia. And more specifically for: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia?

Vietnam from middle of August for a month? [closed]

I'm going on a 3 month trip starting with Vietnam in the middle of August. I'll be in Vietnam for about 1 month before moving on to Cambodia.

Micro SIM cards in Vietnam and Cambodia?

I'm looking to get prepaid SIM cards while I'm travelling in SE Asia this fall. How is the availability of micro SIM cards (i.e. the kind you use for iPhones) i

How can I check if tour services are reliable?

What steps should I take in order to insure the following service is reliable The Dragon Trip and I can safely get to the starting point and find a group

Is there any ferry to the south of Thailand from Vietnam or Cambodia?

I would like to go to the south of Thailand (anywhere south of Bangkok) from Cambodia or Vietnam. I have some old information (2007) about a ferry between Sihan

Travel from South East Asia to Europe by land

Does anyone have experience or know about travelling from South East Asia to Europe, all by land? I'd be happy to catch a quick flight here an

Is there another destination like Thailand? [closed]

Last summer I stayed 7 weeks in Thailand. It was my first time in the Southeast Asia and it was one of the best trips in my life. It was a bac

Travelling with a laptop

What are some tips/suggestions for travelling with a laptop through a region like South East Asia? More specifically, Thailand / Laos / Malaysia. But again, als

Travel between Ho Chi Minh City and Kampot

I'm looking for a relatively painless but interesting way to get from Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) and Kampot in Cambodia. The most commonly suggested route seems

What is the cheapest way to get from Central Europe to South East Asia between Christmas and the New Year?

My final destination is Thailand. Since rail is relatively cheap between SE Asian countries, I am not too concerned about where I initially land down there. M