Category "seoul"

Options for flying to Tokyo from Seoul [closed]

We are planning on the ferry from Fukuoka to Busan and then fly back to Tokyo from Seoul a week later. What are the options for flying one way

Approximately how much for housing and food in Seoul, Korea?

I've been trying to fill out an application that requires me to list how much I think I will need for a 1-semester stay (about 3~4 months) in Seoul. They requi

Which ATM/debit card to use in Seoul?

I'll be going to Seoul on Saturday. Unfortunately I don't have any international money cards. I do have two cards, an E-ON card from Unionbank (VISA Electron) a

Is it safe to drink tap water in Seoul?

I've been hearing conflicting views. The government assures everyone that it's okay but the locals don't seem to trust the government, at least in this issue. D

Walking tours in Seoul

I'm having a 14 hour overnight stopover in Seoul in early December. I was looking to leave the airport and maybe see some of Seoul. Are there any reputable an

Do ATMs at Incheon International Aiport in South Korea have high fees or bad exchange rates

At least a couple of times I've arrived from a long flight and headed to the ATM in the airport to get some local currency only to find out that the ATMs in the

What time does the Seoul subway system open in the morning?

A friend of mine at my hostel here in Seoul needs to get to Gimpo Airport in the morning and is asking what time the subway system commences operation. I've lo

Where to buy a second-hand smartphone in Seoul?

I'm currently travelling in South Korea, home of major smartphone companies such as Samsung. It's a country in a technology boom where everybody wants to have t

Which part of Seoul's ancient city walls is closest to Hongdae by foot?

On a previous trip to Seoul I became very interested in the old city gates and city walls. A couple of the largest gates are famous and are close to the city ce

Are there tours available from Seoul to the Korean Demilitarized Zone?

I am planning to visit the Korean Demilitarized Zone while staying in Seoul and would like to get tour options. Anyone has done this? Prices, schedule and tips

Buying extreme cold weather "mickey mouse boots" (Bunny boots) in Seoul

Is there any place in Seoul where I can buy the extreme cold weather boots that go by the nickname "mickey mouse boot"? In case you haven't heard of these and t

What were the loud sirens I heard in South Korea?

So I was in South Korea on March 14, by the War Memorial of Korea and the Yongsan Garrison and heard what sounded like an air raid siren. I did a Google search.

Booking a JR Shinkansen train ticket in Seoul

I want to book a Kyoto-Tokyo Shinkansen ticket for a trip in 10 days, because Shinkansen will be very crowded and probably impossible to board without a reserva

Is 6 hours transit time enough to see something of Seoul?

I am flying to Tokyo in November, and I have the choice to go direct (paying extra) or transit via Seoul. Is 6 hours transit time enough to leave Incheon airpor

Is 6 hours transit time enough to see something of Seoul?

I am flying to Tokyo in November, and I have the choice to go direct (paying extra) or transit via Seoul. Is 6 hours transit time enough to leave Incheon airpor

Places to drink (party) at Songnae Korea [closed]

I'm visiting Songnae South Korea, and I wanted to know (since I didn't find any) if there are bars or places to go and have a couple of drinks

Checking in a new bag during a layover

I will have a 10 hour layover in Seoul (ICN) and I want to go out and do some shopping. Is it possible to check in a bag during my layover? I will be traveling

Chinatown in Seoul

Is there any kind of Chinatown in Seoul, or at least a place with many authentic Chinese restaurants? According to Wikipedia the only official Chinatown is in

Korea: Visa required to go to the city while in transit in Seoul for a Philippine citizen?

Hi I'm traveling to Uzbekistan and have 12 hours layover in Seoul via Korean Airlines. Do I need a visa to go out of the airport for sightseeing? I'm a Philippi

Travel from Incheon International Airport (Seoul) to Daejeon?

What is the cheapest way of transport to get from the Incheon International Airport (Seoul) to Daejeon?