Category "mongolia"

Which travellers in Mongolia have to register, and how?

When I was applying for my visa to Mongolia a couple of days ago the form mentioned something about registering within three days when staying more than thirty

Non greedy hostel or guesthouse in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia?

For the next week I'll be staying with a friend in Ulaanbaatar but then I'm planning to move to some budget travellers' accommodation before I completely wear o

Bargaining at street stalls and secondhand shops in Mongolia

I love books and I especially love used books. I've discovered to my surprise that Ulaanbaatar has quite a lot of used bookshops. But when I ask the price of a

"Cheek kissing" between men in Mongolia

This afternoon in Ulaanbaatar I was sitting in a coffee shop in a shopping mall trying to make the best of the flaky Wi-Fi there. A local guy who was obviously

Somewhere tourists can lightly study Mongolian calligraphy in Inner or Outer Mongolia?

I'm currently in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia after having travelled through Inner Mongolia, China - which I'll return to when my current visa expires. I bought an En

Throat singing lessons in Mongolia

I heard of throat singing (perhaps more correctly called overtone singing) from the film Genghis Blues. Although Paul Pena went to Tuva, rather than Mongolia, i

True current process of extending Mongolian tourist visa

I'm in Ulaanbaatar with just a few days left on my tourist visa, but Christmas is also only a few days away so I would prefer to stay here a bit longer than spe

Where to change Mongolian tugriks to Chinese RMB?

My Mongolian visa will expire in a few days so I'll return to China. But I'm almost out of cash so will have to make a withdrawal from an ATM. To minimize the

How to know which ATMs in Mongolia accept Cirrus cards which are not Mastercards?

I've been in Mongolia over three weeks but only needed to go to the ATM once previously and the first one I tried worked. But just now I went out at about 11pm

Learning Russian versus Mongolian for visiting Mongolia

I'm planning on visiting Mongolia. I'll probably hire a tour guide for the trip, not only because of the language barrier but also so I'm not travelling solo, a

In Mongolia, are dairy products offered to tourists typically processed?

The "Health" section of Lonely Planet Mongolia states you can get Brucellosis from unboiled milk or homemade cheese, and that you can get TB from unpasteurized

Roadtrip in Mongolia WITHOUT guide possible?

My friend and I are planning a trip in Mongolia this summer. We saw on the internet that most people hire a driver and a guide. We couldn't find anyone talking

Do Mongolians still prefer receiving hard copy photos?

The seventh edition of Lonely Planet Mongolia recommends that people taking photos of Mongolians should offer to repay the favour by printing the photos out and

Sweets as gifts in lands untouched by modern dentistry

Lonely Planet's guide to Mongolia mentions, in a section about visiting the Tsaatan (Цаатан) people and "Do"s and "Don't"s f

Why is a visa required for Australians visiting Mongolia?

Australian citizens require a visa to visit Mongolia. A number of other countries don't require a visa - some western countries, Asian countries, even Cuba and

Obtaining a 2nd tourist visa for Russia after first expired

I'm holding a double-entry 30 day tourist visa for Russia which I obtained as a tourist in Japan through the consulate in Osaka. I'm planning to enter Russia, t

Are tourists or their staff at risk of bride kidnapping in the Kazakh parts of Mongolia?

I'm thinking of visiting the Kazakh parts of Mongolia, so that I can attend some kind of eagle festival, as the events there sound more interesting than those i

Where in Asia can I meet tall people?

I'm about six foot five (195 cm in the new measure). When I've visited Japan and Taiwan, it's fairly obvious that I'm taller than the average person there, and

Height and weight issues for riding animals in Mongolia

I'm about six foot four, and my weight varies, sometimes being on the wrong side of 90 kg. Am I likely to be too heavy or too tall to ride a camel for health, a

Meeting young people in Mongolia, especially outside UB

Compared to Japan, I know that Mongolia has a lower population density, but also a lower average age. Will I have any difficulty meeting young people of both g