Category "latvia"

Does anyone have any advice for an English person going to Positivus festival in Salacgriva, Latvia? [closed]

I'm finding it hard to find English-written reviews/advice of Salacgriva or the festival in general. In particular I'm wanting to find out if

Sightseeing and food in Riga [closed]

I am going to Riga, Latvia for two days in few days. Out of your experience, what should I go look at and where should I eat. Any suggestion

Martina Bekereja: How to find them in Latvia?

When going to Latvia, I like to eat some small snacks in the bakeries called Martina Bekereja. I think there are several of them in Latvia, or even in the whole

How can I get an apartment in Riga, Latvia From the US? [closed]

This Latvian real estate web site has daily postings come up for recently vacated apartments, but the more affordable ones in a good location

Should I leave tips in Latvian hotels

Should I leave tips in hotels in Latvia? Each day I put 2-3 lats (about 4-6 dollars) on the table, but each evening I'm returning to the room I find money untou

Is there such a thing as an international mobile wireless provider?

After searching for a short time, the only promising lead I've found is global gig, which claims to stay connected in the USA, UK, Australia, Ireland, Hong

Will I be refused a residence permit for having overstayed my Schengen visa? [closed]

My Schengen visa expired on 25 June 2014, but my residence permit will be issued on 15 July 2014 (I was supposed to get it before my visa expi

Is it possible to visit Riga (Latvia) from Stockholm by plane in one day? [closed]

I would like to ask, is it possible to do a day trip to Riga from Stockholm? I found inexpensive flights by Air Baltic for 90 euro from Arlan

Trains between Riga and Tartu

On Tartu's wikitravel page it states Direct trains between Tartu and Riga are scheduled to resume after the completion of track construction. I will be i

Can a US citizen enter the Schengen area without a visa?

Can a US citizen travel from USA to Latvia without visa?

Is it wise to stay with locals in Estonia, Lithuania and/or Latvia?

I'm planning on going to Estonia (alternatively Lithuania and/or Latvia) and I'd like to experience a normal Tallinn/Riga/Vilnius life. I'm referring to the sma

Road conditions in Latvia and Lithuania in Winter

I am planning to drive from Vilnius to Riga between Christmas and New Years Eve. I would like to know how the road conditions usually are in this time of the ye

Non EU parent to a EU citizen [closed]

I am from Algeria and was married to a woman from Latvia in August 2013 in Algeria. The marriage was registred in April 2014 in a Latvian town

Is it considered bad manners to eat in public (on a bench) in Latvia?

Recently I got yelled at by a stranger (middle-aged man) when I was eating pizza, which I purchased at a cheap restaurant (and chose take-away), sitting on a be

Road conditions in Latvia and Lithuania in Winter

I am planning to drive from Vilnius to Riga between Christmas and New Years Eve. I would like to know how the road conditions usually are in this time of the ye

Riga - Tallinn by train: is this 4-minute change realistic?

I'm looking into travelling from Riga to Tallinn by train. From the invaluable Seat 61, I know that this involves a cross-platform change at the border station

How many days should I fill in for a double-entry Schengen visa application?

I will be staying in Latvia for 26 days and I want to apply for a double-entry visa. On the application form, should I write 26 days or 90 days? From comment:

Please help me prove my intention to return? [closed]

So heres the story guys, i want to apply for a visit visa from nigeria to latvia to visit my gf to celebrate our one yr anniversary. We have b

(SHA?) hashes on receipts [closed]

After my holiday to Latvia, I was doing my administration and I noticed that almost all receipts had cryptographic hashes on the bottom. One r

Latvian Visa for Indian National In Zagreb

Hi I am Indian national and will be traveling to Riga for research in a company. I am currently in Zagreb. I was not able to find official document list for th