Category "uber"

Why is Uber in Rome more expensive than a regular taxi?

This question was based on wrong assumption. From experience I now know that Uber is cheaper then a regular taxi. Rome2Rio is predicting the wrong prices. Can't

Do I need to register anything specific to use Uber in another city?

I use Uber in London and am going to visit Amsterdam in the summer. I know Uber serve in Amsterdam, but do I have to register anything in particular in my Uber

Is it easy to get an UberX from Central London to Heathrow Airport? [closed]

I'd like to get an uberX to heathrow airport because I'm rushing, but I'm not sure how difficult it will be. Do drivers normally decline jobs

Uber pricing and cancellation policy in NYC

Rate: I understand the rate varies and there is surge time. At the time of order you are presented with a price. Is that a final price you pay? I've read too ma

How to browse available cars/quotes on Uber without providing credit card?

I'd very interested in using Uber, and I'd like to have a look at what they have to offer in terms of available car sizes, rates, etc., but I can't work out how

What does Uber actually do with passenger ratings?

We all know and love the ratings system that Uber uses. The driver gets to rate you and you get to rate the driver. But... what does Uber actually do with th

Uber/Didi to Badaling (八达岭) from Gulou (鼓楼) for sunrise?

I'm exploring the feasibility/cost of using Uber/Didi to get from downtown Beijing (near 鼓楼) to the Great Wall (I take it Badaling/八达

What to do when "no cars available" in Uber

Is there a way to automatically search and request a ride when there's no cars available for a ride at the moment. In case I'm flexible with my time, and can to

Uber or similar in Spain and in general [closed]

I will be travelling from Touleouse to Pont de Suert in Spain soon. It seems public transport is not so regular all the way. I know if Uber

Uber from the airport in Prague - pickup location and reliability?

My wife and I are traveling to Prague this weekend. I'm normally good with public transit, but this time around, we'll be dragging luggage, and I see that from

Is there a practical way to change the phone number in Uber app when arriving at a country?

I use Uber app heavily to get taxis basically in any country that has Uber, and I also get a local sim card sometimes. I always have my roaming turned on but

Uber and prepaid internet service

I am planning to travel to the US and buy a prepaid internet SIM card so I am able to use Uber. Since I will be replacing my current SIM card with that one that

When to summon Uber: travel from Opera to CDG

Tomorrow: 10AM international flight at CDG: staying at hotel near Opera. Goal: arrive at airport no later than 7AM. If summoning Uber: 1) How much time sho

What are some electronic payment systems available for use by foreigners in India?

I will be traveling to India in a few weeks and wondering about some (non-cash) electronic payment systems that are: widely accepted for daily purchases availa

What are the benefits to scheduling an Uber Ride ahead of time?

What additional benefits are there to scheduling your ride ahead of time that you don't get from just calling an Uber when you are ready? Is it basically just

How much to tip uber driver going out of his way to get me my phone? [closed]

I was traveling to San Francisco the other day when I took an uber to my hotel, and I accidentally left my phone in the car. I got a call from

Is it normal practice to tip an Uber driver in London?

I've never used Uber in London and will need to transfer from LHR to SW1. Is it customary to tip the Uber driver?

Can I book Uber without a SIM card?

I want to use Uber to travel from the Rome, Zurich, and Amsterdam airports to my accommodations. I won't have a SIM, but want to book Uber cars; is that possibl

How can I calculate in advance the Uber fare from CDG to Paris?

Before I summon an Uber, is there a way to know, more or less, how much it would it cost to go from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Montmarte Paris's 18th arrondis

Would Uber or Lyft likely have cars available on Cape Cod in the late evening

I'm visiting Cape Cod in this June and need to get from Logan Airport (Boston) to Wellfleet (on the Outer Cape). I see there is a bus (the Plymouth & Brock