Category "thailand"

Motorbikes in Thailand and Laos

Does anyone know of a place to hire motorbikes in Thailand, say Bangkok or Chiang Mai, and ride them into Laos and back? The trip will be self-guided and should

How to stay in Thailand for more than 30 days?

Thailand imposes a 30-day limit on stays for U.S. citizens travelling on a tourist visa. What is the preferred way to stay up to three months? So far, I've come

Elephant Trekking in northern Thailand

I would like to know my options for good trekking tours in Thailand, especially in (but not limited to) the Chiang Mai area. Not longer than a week, not too muc

Where to go in Thailand in September?

I am going to Thailand this september. I can read everywhere that it's the rainy season over there. Can you guys advice me on what part of Thailand is usually

Which transportation is best from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to Hua Hin?

What is the most cost effective way to get from the Suvarnabhumi Airport to Hua Hin (on Thailand's northwestern Gulf coast)? And how much would that be compared

What immunisations, if any, are required / recommended for Thailand?

A member of my family is headed to Thailand shortly (and I'm considering it as well, haha) and wondering what immunisations are required / recommended for that

How can I Travel and Teach English in Thailand? [closed]

I'm struggling to find non-commercial information on teaching English in Thailand in terms of daily costs of living, pay rates for full-time T

Where in Thailand should I be cautious about malaria?

We have found a magnificent offer to go with our children to Thailand. It is a two week holiday starting in Bangkok going south ending at a beach resort. It all

Should I book Thailand Rail tickets online (pre-trip) or at the station when I arrive?

I plan on taking the Thailand rail system between Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket (particularly the overnight trains), and Siem Reap. Is it safe to book these tick

Chiang Mai Trek without Elephant Ride

I'm heading to Chiang Mai, Thailand for several days at the end of January and I'm looking to do a 3 day, 2 night trek, but I'm looking for one that doesn't fea

How can I be sure the operator treats elephants humanely before booking a trek in Khao Sok national park?

The various bungalows in Khao Sok national park advertise elephant treks and there are various tours advertised out of Phuket and Krabi. These sound interestin

How should I travel from Khao Sok National Park to Ko Yao Noi in Thailand?

I understand there is a local bus from Khao Sok back to Phuket, then a ferry to Ko Yao Noi. There also appears to be minibus running from Khao Sok to Krabit, a

Prepay (micro) sim card for data in Thailand [duplicate]

I'm going to be two weeks in Thailand and need a micro-sim for my iPhone (non jail broken). The main use will be data but obviously I will use

Should I book in advance cooking course in Thailand?

I'm planning to attend a cooking course while traveling in Thailand. From checking on Trip Advisor there are plenty of places that offer such a course. They a

Where to buy Thai Bahts when traveling from New Zealand to Thailand?

When traveling from New Zealand to Thailand, where can I buy Thai Bahts and get better exchange rate and lower commissions? It's only for the first 10K THB (Th

How common is it to find cappuccino in Thailand's coffee shops?

How common is it to be able to find good cappuccino in coffee shops in Thailand? Are coffee shops common in Thai cities at all?

Snorkeling and beach location for Southern Thailand (Phuket/Krabi) in July?

I will be visiting Southern Thailand in early July. Flights are booked into Phuket International airport. Can you recommend an island or beach resort for this

How to avoid letting a rental business hold my passport in Thailand?

I'm considering renting a motorcycle in Thailand, and the terms on the rental company's website state they will hold my passport for the duration of the rental.

Elephant Park within a day trip from Bangkok

I'm familiar with elephant parks in Northern Thailand, near Chiang Mai. Are there any good elephant parks (preferably with humane treatment) within a day trip's

Is Songkran worth a Thai visa extension, or can you have a similar experience in Laos?

I am traveling to Thailand and my 30 day visa ends on April 12. This site says Songkran runs from April 13 - 15 this year. It would cost $80 to extend the visa