Category "helsinki"

How to get from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport into Helsinki city centre?

How to get from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport into Helsinki city centre quickly and without paying too much for it? Bonus question: how about if the flight arriv

Temporary exhibitions in Helsinki before christmas

We will spend a day in Helsinki in the beginning of December. (As we do most years cruising from Stockholm.) What temporary exhibitions are available in Helsink

Exchanging Albanian money into euros outside Albania

I found a small amount of Albanian lekë (can you say "leks" in English?) in my wallet from last summer's visit there. Is there any place in Helsinki where

How many hours should I consider allowing to visit Suomenlinna and Seurasaari islands?

I'm planning a trip to Helsinki (a quick trip indeed, just one day and a half) and I don't want to miss some spots like the Suomenlinna island (the only UNESCO

Feeling the spirit of Helsinki, where?

When I visit a city, besides visiting the main tourist attractions, I usually like to see some places that can make me feel the true spirit of the place I'm vis

Visiting Helsinki during 5h wait between flights

Is it realistic to do a quick visit to Helsinki, if I have 5h waiting time between flights? If so, what kind of transport should I take and what is the landmark

What are the cheapest trains from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg?

I want to travel from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg, I want to take a train. Please suggest the cheapest train options, and as a secondary consideration, the fas

Almost 24 hour over night layover in Helsinki

I am traveling from Beijng to New York and an airline which I am choosing has a layover of 23.5 hours at Helsinki airport. I'm a Chinese and don't have Finland

Options for a cruise from Helsinki to St Petersburg

As a follow on from the following question: Do I need a visa if I go with a cruise line to St. Petersburg? What are the different options/what is required to o

Buying reindeer meat in Helsinki

What is the best place to buy reindeer meat in Helsinki? Is this something best bought from a specialized shop (if yes, where?) or is it something you can jus

Late night buses from Helsinki airport to Turku in December?

I'm traveling in December. I arrive at Helsinki airport (HEL) at 9pm and would like to get to Turku as soon as possible. What is the latest night bus availabl

Are there any places to sleep in Helsinki Vantaa airport the night before an early flight?

I have an early morning flight out of Helsinki Vantaa airport and am thinking of spending the night there. Are there any places where I can get some sleep? I'm

Transit visa at Helsinki airport

We are a couple from India and are spending 23 hours at Helsinki airport. Can we get a transit visa to leave the airport, see the city, stay at a hotel etc?

Is it ok to fly with a snowman? [closed]

Will I be facing any problems carrying a snowman on the airplane? The kids & I are going to Helsinki next month and I expect my little one

Is the direct connection from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to the train line open yet?

When the Ring Rail Line to Helsinki-Vantaa Int'l Airport opened in July 2015, the Airport station wasn't ready yet and passengers had to be bussed in from the n

Where can one apply for a UK visa in a proper embassy?

In Helsinki, UK visa applications involve a visit to what appears to be a temp agency. The UK has a perfectly nice Helsinki embassy, so this isn't an issue of

Do I need a transit Visa in Helsinki? [duplicate]

I am a Chinese citizen and I will be travelling from Copenhagen to Beijing. However I have a layover in Helsinki and recently I have been reje

Ferry system from St Petersburg to Tallin and Helsinki

I'll be in Saint Petersburg at the end of July and will be traveling to Warsaw next. Can anyone provide information regarding the ferries from Saint Petersburg

Helsinki public transport ticket validity

I found at that Helsinki area offers tickets valid for several days, from 1 to 7. Unfortunately I cannot find informatio

Is a 50 minute layover in Manchester Airport enough?

I am being offered a good deal from Helsinki, Finland to New York with a layover in Manchester. The only problem is the layover time is 50 minutes. Both flight