Category "itineraries"

Do you need to submit an itinerary to get a Russian visa? And do you have to stick to it?

I believe there are certain countries which in order to be granted a visa you must submit your intended itinerary. I am pretty sure I've heard Russia is or was

Travelling to Israel - help to divide time between areas [closed]

We are planning on going to Israel (inc West Bank) and Jordan (Petra) mid Oct for 3 weeks (17 Oct - 4 Nov). We = Female 25 & Male 30. Bot

Itinerary for Galilee and the Golan

The plan was to pick a hire car in Hafia, and then travel to the Sea of Galilee/Golan region checking out (Tsfat, Rosh Pina, Banias Nature Reserve and Castle Ni

Itineraries in South Africa (+/- 2 Weeks) [closed]

I plan to travel to South-Africa at the end of this year (last week of December, first week of January). Now I would like to have some advice

Refine an itinerary through Eastern Europe

Short version: Which places could we add extra days to (excluding cities before the 13th, because of the match in Lviv)? We are especially interested in things

Suggested itinerary for Bahia, Salvador, Brazil at Carnaval time?

Having been to Rio Carnaval in 2009, I would like to experience the equivalent in Bahia in Salvador, Brazil. Please suggest an itinerary to experience the Carna

How much should I fear golden week in Japan?

I am planning a vacation to Japan, and currently have two possible plans. In plan A I leave well before Golden week (on 4/24). In plan B I leave during the firs

Four days in Jordan / Amman. Itinerary suggestions?

I plan on going to Amman, Jordan for four days in March. I plan to spend a day visiting the Petra Caves - don't want to spend more than a day there unless absol

What is the best self-guided itinerary for an 8-day trip to Scotland in April? [closed]

We're trying to plan a budget-minded trek to Scotland in April during school holiday and are wondering if we should simply rent a car and try

La Ruta Maya in 3 weeks: reasonable?

Next winter I would like to go to Central or South America. I'm already looking for some possible itineraries for approximately 3 or 4 weeks. I found La Ruta Ma

Any travel booking sites that let you search for a mixed itinerary?

Travel sites that search all the major air lines are a dime a dozen. And in some localities, there are travel sites that at least pay lip service to searching

US Trip in April 2012

I'm planning a Southwest / Pacific trip during the first 15 days of April (more or less). I though to fly to San Francisco and, after a quick tour of the city (

Austria in September

I am planning a trip to Austria in September for myself and my wife (both Canadians). The rough plan is to spend 7-8 days, and we'd like to visit Vienna, Salzbu

London to Glasgow by train with stopovers

I plan to travel with my family from London to Glasgow and back during the summer. I will be travelling by train or other public transport. I would like to make

Is this Scotland itineary doable or overachieving? [closed]

We would love some feedback from the lovely Scotland experts whether the following itinerary is doable or overachieving. The trip will be in J

Hiking in the area around Quebec City

I've decided to go spend 2 weeks in Quebec with my wife this summer. Our plan for now is to spend a few days in Montreal (where our plane lands, coming from F

Itinerary for 14 days in Northern Mongolia [closed]

So we have collated an itinerary for a 14 day trip in Northern Mongolia. I thought I would post this up here to tap upon the collective wisdo

Recreating Paul's missionary trips (from The Bible) / itinerary optimization and visas

I would like to go on Paul's missionary trips on a tour of the Near East (I'm a US citizen). However, I am not sure what visas are needed (and will likely ha

What are possible traveling plan for Switzerland in December-end for 5 days from Paris? [closed]

I am planning to travel Switzerland in December-end for 5 days from Paris. Possible travel destinations may be starting from Geneva and endin

5 weeks in Peru + Bolivia + Chile, is too little time?

I'm planning to travel alone, using buses/trains. I would also like to spend few days every so often on the beach to rest... in both Peru and Chile. Does it s