Category "guides"

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

Is there a good website to plan a trip via trains in Europe?

My wife and I have decided to move across Europe by train. Do you know of any good sites for planning a trip via train (schedule and maybe prices)? We're going

How do I choose a travel agency to book tours from in Hanoi, Vietnam?

I am travelling to Vietnam in December and would like to book with a travel agency in the Hanoi area. There are so many to choose from, what are things that I

How can I find a guide that will take me safely up Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Elbrus?

Where/how can I find a local/professional guide that will take me safely up Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Elbrus?

Can anyone recommend a good trekking tour for Machu Picchu?

I'm planning on heading to Peru to visit Machu Picchu next year. I heard there are some amazing and beautiful "long way around" treks that take you up and arou

Roughly how long does the Pamir Highway take to do?

I'm heading into Tajikistan on Friday (to Dushanbe). I aim to go around to Khorog and then via the Pamir highway to Kyrgyzstan. I'm unsure as to how long to a

Are there any museums in Stockholm for children? (not Junibacken)

I heard about museum near the Stockholm in which children can make some experiments in chemistry, physics and so on, but I completely forgot its name. Can you h

Elm, Switzerland - Suvorov monument and Glarus thrust

I'm searching for any tours in this municipality from Bern. I'm going to visit Elm to view the Suvorov monument there: and the Glarus thrust: Do you know

What is the best company to go through for climbing Mt. Rainier?

I'm thinking about climbing Mount Rainier some time next summer, and I'm trying to find the best Guide company to go through. I'd want to do a 3 or 4 day climb,

Self-drive vs. guided safari in Southern Africa

I am researching safaris for Southern Africa through Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa with possibly a stop at Victoria Falls. We are looking at both guided

What is the business model of commercial free walking tours?

For instance, Sandeman's runs free walking tours all over Europe. One or two every day of the year, good local guides, and the only payment is tips at the end.

The Esplanade in Singapore: Are there any tourist tours?

The Esplanade in Singapore is a really interesting building if you're into architecture. Therefore, when I'm eventually in Singapore, I would like to visit the

Tourist guide in Philippines

I'm planning to take some members of my family in a trip to the Philippines, and I would like to know what would be the best way to find a Tourist guide? (Prefe

Organized trips for young single travelers? [closed]

I have 3 weeks vacation during Sep-Oct. I'm an Israeli with excellent English. I want to fly somewhere. and was thinking to join organized t

How can I check if tour services are reliable?

What steps should I take in order to insure the following service is reliable The Dragon Trip and I can safely get to the starting point and find a group

Historic Boston Sites - Good Resource

I plan to visit Boston this year; I'm looking to hit up the historical sites, and trying to find a good guide of all of the sites. Is there one out there onlin

Travel Guide book for Asia with toddler/ young children?

We're planning to backpack a couple of month in Asia. Starting in Thailand and then going to Vietnam, maybe more places in the region. I'm looking for a travel

Are there companies in China that offer personal tour guide services?

I will be traveling to China by myself and interested in hiring a person to be a personal tour guide for multiple days ...possibly as long as a month. This will

Machu Picchu in April: to reserve a tour or not to reserve?

I've seen this post about it, but I've dug a little bit more into the topic on the web and some people suggest to reserve in advance, in particular for the main

Is there a good website to plan a trip via trains in Europe?

My wife and I have decided to move across Europe by train. Do you know of any good sites for planning a trip via train (schedule and maybe prices)? We're going