Category "gifts"

What should we consider when buying a gift for a host family in Turkey?

In September, we are traveling to Turkey. Part of the trip is a family home stay. We will be staying with a local family who will feed and house us for the nigh

What is a good gift to bring from Sweden for CouchSurfing hosts? [closed]

I will be leaving on a 22-day trip around Europe pretty soon and will be visiting six or seven homes through CouchSurfing. I want to bring the

What are some practical hand-out gifts you can take with you when travelling?

I happens quite often that you make new friendships while on the road or that you are hosted by someone you are visiting. On such occasions you usually want to

Gift giving in Korea: Do I have to wrap snacks?

I just arrived on Seoul and brought some packets of dried mangoes for my hosts. I forgot to wrap them however. I've read that Koreans are particular about their

What can I take as a gift from Poland for my host, which is small and light?

I'm from Poland and I'd like to try some CouchSurfing after the trip in the mountains. I'd have to carry all things on my back, so this should be small and very

What statue did Bolivia give, and where is it located?

From Babyhood by Paul Reiser: Every place I looked I saw a great place to be somebody's parent. "I could walk into that 7-Eleven and buy my kid a soda

Presents for Japanese CouchSurfing hosts

I was evaluating doing CouchSurfing during my next trip in Japan and this question: What does a CouchSurfing host expect from their guests? makes me want to ask

Packed Items at Indian Customs

I am travelling back to India soon. Just eager to know, if the packed items carried in checked in or carry-on luggage will face a problem at Indian Customs? I

What is a good gift for hospitality in Nepal

I am planning an extended Motorbike tour through Nepal and India and was wondering what a good token of appreciation would be .. besides money .. to give to peo

What gifts would be welcome for a Swedish host family?

What are good gifts to take to Swedish family in 2014? Many American things are now easy to find there. The most recent postings seem to be 2012. Some say tow

Gifts for Chinese hosts?

I am traveling to China for work (I am an academic), and would like to bring small gifts with me for the hosts who have been working to coordinate my visit. Wha

Purchasing cookware (eg. Teapot) in china: concern of lead

I am traveling to china and while I am there I would like to buy a tea set for my wife, who loves tea. Should I be concerned that a teapot for example would con

Japanese homestay gifts?

I am an American and I will be going to Japan for a study abroad program to Japan. I will be having 3 host families. I want to give gifts to my host Families an

What are the rules for taking electronics and other expensive gifts from the USA to the EU?

I am an American with residence in Belgium. I came here to the USA for the holidays and brought my old, iPhone, iPad and my MacBook. Now, here, I want to buy a

Are candles a welcome gift in China?

I'd like to deliver some candles to a friend in China who hosted me at his place as a Christmas gift. (I know it is a bit late, but I guess for a non-Christian

What is an appropriate gift for an Indian wedding?

I will be attending a Hindu wedding in the state of Odisha in India in the near future. The wedding is between a the brother of a friend of mine and his new br

Should I give my Japanese host omiyage/gift when meeting them first or when I'm leaving?

I'll be visiting Japan soon and I'll be meeting a friend there. I was wondering if the etiquette there was to give a gift when you first arrive or when you'll

Present for bicycle traveler [closed]

A friend of mine is about to go on a one person multi month trip with his bicycle through South America. Before he leaves, we want to give him

Is it possible to bring fudge from New Zealand to UK?

I have bought fudge for gifts in NZ but am now unsure whether I will be allowed to take it inti UK - will I?

What gifts would be welcome for a Swedish host family?

What are good gifts to take to Swedish family in 2014? Many American things are now easy to find there. The most recent postings seem to be 2012. Some say tow