Category "countries"

How many countries are there in the world to travel to?

If you've travelled a bit, at some point you'll either have dreamed of or been asked - 'will you visit every country in the world?'. However, it's not a straig

Are there countries other than the Netherlands that support hitchhiking?

According to the Internet, the Netherlands support hitchhiking by placing signs (see picture) in spots that are a good location for hitchhikers. Are there any o

Which countries are "Muslim countries"?

In the question about drinking beer in Dubai it arose that the term "Muslim country" can be seen as one where the laws of the country are affected by the rules

What is the LEAST visited country by tourists?

There's always lists on the most popular countries. But in my travels, I've found going against the grain has been super rewarding - places like Chernobyl, in

Central Asia in 2012: Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan?

The other day, Lonely Planet published an article on the Top 10 best value destinations for 2012. One of the destinations which lured my attention is Tajikistan

What's the best way to learn differences in laws between countries?

When traveling from country to country, local laws and regulations can vary from what someone is used to in their home country (sometimes drastically, for examp

How can I find out whether I can buy medication without a prescription in a certain country?

I have to take some medication every day, so when I go travelling I take a whole bunch of pills with me but eventually after a few months I run out. In Western

To which country in Europe should I travel to if I want to see a lot of lighthouses?

My father is a big lighthouse fan (I know...). Now he wants to spend his next holidays in a country in Europe where he can see a lot of lighthouses. Obviously t

Traveler's Century Club: Something similar just for Europe?

Yesterday I heard for the first time about the Traveler's Century Club. To become a member of this club you have to visit 100 or more countries. Although I'm n

The most difficult countries to travel in?

Now at first sight that's a subjective question. But I'll explain now that it's not. So please don't answer subjectively either! Pamir Highway between Dush

Countries with no visa requirements on its visitors

Recently I learnt that Andorra has no visa restrictions to its visitors (citizens of any country) and free to enter if they hold a passport or EU national ident

What's the highest price a country charges citizens of another country for tourist visa?

Many countries charge money to issue visas to people wishing to enter, and many charge different fees for citizens of different countries. On my current trip t

What's the highest number of countries whose borders meet at a single point?

What is the maximum number of countries meeting at a single point on earth? Where is it? What are the countries?

Visiting the sunniest place on earth - country and city

This is a two parter. Vancouver has rain for like, 9 months a year. I've been told it gets quite heavy. If you wanted to go to the opposite extreme... What c

Is Vatican City considered a country?

I have a life-long goal of seeing at least 50 countries before I die. I'm behind but I figure I would see most of them over the next 20 years as I get closer t

What does it take to make my car fully compliant with all EU countries?

In Belgium every car is required to carry at least one fire extinguisher. In Germany you need to have an environment sticker to drive into a city. In France you

How can I find out what the typical "fast food" is for a particular country?

Everyone has to eat and travelers are no exception. When arriving to a new destination sometimes it's not easy to find a place and one just chooses a quick and

Countries with hi-tech toilets

While in Japan I was amazed by the hi-tech toilets I saw everywhere (even in rural areas) and I even felt a bit inferior because Italians' toilet don't offer an

Travel implications when going to Muslim countries after a visit to Israel

I would like to visit Israel, but I have heard that if you visit some Muslim countries, they won't let you in, and visa versa. Does it depend on which Muslim c

Can you travel 'above' the control of a country?

To be clear this is not a question on doing anything illegal. The question is about realms of control, and when you're "visiting" the territory of a country.