Category "visa-cancellation"

How to cancel multi-entry Schengen visa?

I have a Schengen visa (business class) from one of the EU countries. It is multi-entry type valid for 18 months (90 day stay), I used this visa to visit the EU

Cancelling a Schengen Visa via the Italian Consulate

My wife has a Schengen visa issued by the Italian consulate in the UK. It expires at the beginning of December, and as we want to travel to Europe for the Chri

Can the Family Visitor visa be canceled because the settlement visa has been refused?

I am a Mozambican married to a UK British citizen wife. I have been traveling back and forth on Family Visitor visa for a period of 7 years now. Just by the end

Cancelled UK visa on entry

My friend applied for a UK visa last month (that is, June 2015) for 3 weeks in the UK, but got 6 months. Since she got more days, she decided to extend her stay

Does the cancellation of my wife's US visa at the point of entry affect mine?

Does the cancellation of my wife's US visa at the point of entry (for not telling the embassy she was pregnant) affect mine as the principal applicant, if we tr

Application for UK Visa - Work permit [closed]

I have worked in for 2.5 year in Qatar and return to Srilanka in 2011. My work permit visa is cancelled by the employer when I'm leaving from

Cancelled UK visa at airport but still allowed in for 3 weeks. Why did it happen?

My friend is a regular visitor to the UK from Ghana and a company director of a large business out there - so proof of means isn't an issue. His partner is als

Will a visa cancelled on arrival affect future visa applications?

Recently, I visited Russia and, at the airport, my tourist visa was cancelled on arrival. The stated reason was that my hotel booking was invalid, although I wa

Cancelling a Schengen Visa via the Italian Consulate

My wife has a Schengen visa issued by the Italian consulate in the UK. It expires at the beginning of December, and as we want to travel to Europe for the Chri

What happens to my existing visa if I get another visa from the same country?

I am holding a C type Schengen visa received from Italy, valid from August 2017 to February 2018. On November 2017, I received another visa from Italy, this tim

When applying for a USA B2 visa, do I need to declare previous UK visa cancellations?

I'm working in the UK (holding a UK permanent visa) and planning to travel to the US for a conference. I would like to bring my wife and we will stay in the US

cancellation visa for kuwait

I have a valid visa from Kuwait but the problem is that Kuwait is banned for deployment as per our President's declaration. Are we allowed to go personally to

Can hotels sue international travellers?

We booked for a hotel in the Netherlands. The agreed amount was to be paid on the spot. Unfortunately, we didn't get a visa, so we never had a chance to go to t

How do I cancel a Schengen tourist visa?

I currently have a valid Schengen tourist visa that expires next year, issued by the French Consulate in Saudi Arabia. I am going to a 60-day study abroad pro

Is it possible to have two Schengen visas with overlapping dates? [duplicate]

I'm a foreign national working in the USA. I applied for a French tourist visa and was offered a visa from July 30, 2018 to August 30, 2018. N

Italian consulate in Dubai annulled my visa after my family applied [closed]

My case is very simple and straightforward. I applied for my Schengen Visa and got it on 10 October 18, for traveling to Italy on 13 December

Cancelled unused Russian tourist visa

Until recently I have travelled to Russia frequently - on regular tourist visas in my USA passport. The last time I travelled, the Embassy issued my visa for wr

Will my F1 visa cancellation affect my application for a B1 visa? [closed]

In the past, my F1 visa was canceled upon arrival by the US Department of Homeland Security. They had stated"Insufficient Funds" in the cancel

Consequences of cancelling a Tier 5 GAE UK visa [closed]

I am a non-EU citizen. I have signed a contract for a summer internship in the UK and the company is going to sponsor a Tier 5 GAE visa for me

Can I hold two of the same type of US visa at the same time [closed]

I am an Australian Citizen working in US on E3 visa with Employer A and my Visa is valid till 2020. I received a good offer from another Empl