Category "itineraries"

Half day in Berlin - after non-classical tourist spots

I will have half a day to spend in Berlin, on a Saturday afternoon. What do you recommend I should go and see/taste? I am not aiming for classical "tourist" spo

Visa: How specific must the itinerary be when visiting Japan?

I am planning on visiting Japan and I am required to get a visa for entering the country. One of the requests for me to get a visa is to specify what my itiner

Tourist destinations from Frankfurt-Hahn airport besides Frankfurt

Some low cost airlines, mainly Ryanair, provide several low cost connections with the little Hahn airport. Usually this airport is referred to as Frankfurt-Hah

Evaluation of itinerary in Flåm, Norway for 2 days in summer

We started planning our trip to Norway in July and we allocated full 2 days stay at Flåm (3 nights). We like to do the following things: Kayaking (old ki

Visit the Norwegian fjords or other attractions when landing in Haugesund

The airport of Haugesund is currently served by some low cost companies; I tried to discover some attractions of that area but on the guides I only found some l

Itinerary to Scotland from London

I am planning to travel from London to the following destinations by train: Edinburgh, Inverness and Windermere and then back to London. My questions are: What

What are my options for proof of travel itinerary when applying for a Brazilian visa on a US passport?

This question is quite similar, but with different specifics. Undoubtedly, some of the options still apply, but specifically, what are my options to satisfy th

What are some recommended itineraries for visting Turkey in July? [closed]

I'm visiting Turkey for 13 days with my 19 year old nephew. We're flying in and out of Istanbul. I'd like to get out of Istanbul and see the c

Traveling across the United Kingdom by car [closed]

Me and my friends had an idea of going to the UK by car and travel across the country to see as much as possible. I would like ask if someone

Traveling from Thailand to Laos to Vietnam

This summer I'm planning to go to Thailand, Laos and then through to Vietnam. I know very little about this. I was wondering if somebody would be able to tell m

What's the most cost-effective destination for a four night trip from Berlin to a non-Schengen destination?

To avoid overstaying my visa, I need to leave the Schengen area for three full days (four nights). What's the most cost-effective way to do this from Berlin, Ge

Do you need to submit an itinerary to get a Chinese visa? And do you have to stick to it?

There are certain countries which in order to be granted a visa you must submit your intended itinerary. My friend tells me that he thinks China is one of those

Guarantee connecting flights in custom itinerary?

If I buy tickets from different airlines, can I somehow join them so that - in case of delay - connecting flights are guaranteed? What if airlines are code sha

What are some good resources for sailing in Greece?

I will be sailing in Greece for two weeks later this summer. The trip is lead by an experienced captain, but I'm looking for good resources to help me prepare.

Itinerary for the south of India

I'm planning a trip to the south of the India and Sri Lanka. For India I have about 25 days starting and ending at Mumbai and taking some flights and night trai

Northern Italy: east to west or west to east?

Both of the guidebooks I've looked at suggest starting in Milan and traveling through Verona and Dolomites to get to Venice, then swing down to Florence. I won'

Itinerary for a 12 Day Hiking Trip to South Island in New Zealand in December [closed]

I am currently planning a 12 day trip to the South Island of New Zealand from December 13th - December 24th. I am incredibly excited, but need

Is 6 weeks long enough to go from Lima, Peru to Buenos Aires?

So I'm thinking about booking an open jaw ticket, landing in Lima and overland going through Bolivia through Brazil to Uquara falls and then fly out from Buenos

How much time should I budget to see Bonito and Pantanal? [closed]

Going to Campo Grande in March and slowly marching onward towards Cusco. I'm working out my itinerary and trying to figure out how many days

I want to intentionally miss a flight and continue my itinerary

I have the following flight itinerary: Outbound Stuttgart Amsterdam (KLM) Amsterdam Quito (KLM) Return Quito Lima (LAN) Lima Amsterdam (KLM) Amsterdam Stuttg