Category "health"

Can I buy malaria medication in India?

In question 'Is it necessary to take malaria pills when travelling in South India?' we discussed whether it is necessary to take any medication. So if one has d

Need malaria meds for Rajasthan in February?

Rajasthan appears to be relatively low risk for malaria in February, so should I take malaria meds while I'm there (for two weeks) or just try to avoid getting

Health retreats in Japan

I am looking for health retreats in Japan. Specifically places that offer meditation (not necessarily zen), healthy food, a relaxing environment and beautiful s

Why do I feel pressure in the ears in a plane?

Normally you feel pressure in your ear, if the air pressure changes, e.g. if you're ascending or descending very fast. But why do I feel this pressure also in a

Travel health insurance in Europe that does not require European Health Insurance Card

I was looking for a new travel insurance policy recently for travel within Europe and what I was never aware of is that many insurance policies require you to h

What are safe uses of non-potable water?

While traveling, you come across many different levels of water safety. In some countries you can drink the tap water, and in others you should avoid it at all

Finding drinkable water while travelling

I tend to get dehydrated rather easily, a problem that is compounded when I travel to locations where the water is unsafe/unfamiliar for me. I often seem to fi

Drinking tap water in India

I ordered SteriPEN before I started my India trip but unfortunately it didn't arrive in time. I'm only drinking bottled water here but am interested whether tap

When is an International Certificate of Vaccination necessary?

I was reading an old answer that referenced the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis they carried in their passport. I've never heard of thi

Medical Insurance for Canadian visiting United States

My girlfriend is going to be staying with me in the USA for a few months shortly. She is a Canadian citizen. I would like to get some advice on what kind of Me

How far in advance to get travel vaccinations?

I will be traveling to Costa Rica and Chile over the next 6-12 months and spending 1-2 months in each country while I am there. I checked the CDC website for C

How can I avoid or minimize jet lag on flights?

From my personal anecdotal experience, I've found it worse when travelling east around the globe. I also tend to stay awake most if not all of the flight, so s

Any special way to mark penicillin allergy on my passport?

I'm allergic to penicillin, the antibiotic. I just got a new (European) passport. Is there some 'best practices'/common way to mark this allergy on my passport?

Maintaining a healthy spine when working while traveling? [closed]

Often when I travel, I have to work long hours: programming In many cases there is no office chair, resulting in an uncomfortable work positi

Online medical insurance for short visa in Romania

I am PhD student and am going to apply for a Romanian Visa in Paris. I asked the Romanian Embassy for required documents. The embassy has suggested to have

Need malaria medication for Rajasthan in July / August?

I am going to Delhi and various towns in Rajasthan this summer. This part of India is usually low risk but then again, it will be monsoon season. I've been to

Cockroaches: What can be done about them?

Personally, I have not encountered cockroaches, but I wish to know how to deal them if I do. Are there any health concerns related to them? Are they in the habi

Do you have to declare medications that are controlled substances when travelling via plane internationally?

Specifically, Concerta/Ritalin? And if so, how would I go about the process of declaring them? I'm travelling to Norway, by the way, but highly generalizable

What do hotels (in the US) do to control and erradicate bed bugs? How good are they?

Related to this question. I've moved into a telecommuting position that requires me to travel to the worksite once or twice a month and stay in a hotel. One of

Finding if a medicine is available in India

I`m going to travel to India and would like to know if I will be able to purchase specific medication there. Is there an official site or similar indicating wha