Category "safety"

When traveling to a country with a different currency, how should you take your money?

Recently my wife and I traveled to Italy and before we left we got about 85% of our money in travelers checks and the other 15% we carried on in cash. When we a

Is it safe to travel in Japan considering the nuclear situation?

Are there any areas that should be avoided and are there any steps I should take to protect myself from radiation?

How should I deal with beggars in India?

I have heard that it is unsafe to show money or help someone in India. Are there any rules I should respect in order to avoid getting into trouble? How should

How do I know if it's safe to travel to a country at a specific time?

Are there travel websites constantly updated with safety tips and political situation of countries?

Being safe in an unknown place [closed]

Most people in first world countries have a very different idea of "safe". First world country houses do not have bars on the windows, the ya

Is it safe to travel to Socotra, Yemen?

I have been wanting to travel to Socotra, Yemen to see the dragonblood trees and bizarrely beautiful landscapes for a while now, but given the current instabili

Hodophobia ... Scared of doing things or going to places that is dangerous [closed]

Places like India, Thailand or some African countries are sometimes contain risks for travellers. It probably will be fine if we stay in the m

How can I find a guide that will take me safely up Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Elbrus?

Where/how can I find a local/professional guide that will take me safely up Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Elbrus?

How do you avoid "tourist traps" when traveling to a country where you do not speak the language?

Too many easily accessible restaurants and attractions cater heavily to tourists, and, in doing so, create an environment that they feel will be comfortable to

Is it safe to travel in Greece during the riots about government spending cuts?

I am travelling to Athens, Greece, shortly, and have seen reports of recent unrest. Should I be worried? Should I cancel my trip? Update It's fine, taxis are

Is there a resource for crime statistics in Spain - especially robbery

I'm going to visit Spain, and my wife is very worried about thieves in Spain. What cities should we be aware of? Are there any ways to protect myself from them?

What class of travel is suitable for a woman travelling alone on Indian railways?

What class should a lone woman travel on a sleeper train to be safe at night?

Diving safety in Australia

I'm going to Australia next October and I was wondering if it is safe to go diving (near Cairns) even though it will be my first time doing so. Should I take a

Is tea and coffee on the street safe to drink in India?

There are many street tea/coffee sellers around India, and although the water has been boiled at some point, often the pots are out for a long time. The clay cu

Strongest travel sunblock?

A friend who burns easily is travelling to Africa during the dry season. What is the strongest sunblock on the market, and is it actually sensible to use - tha

Rome football derby - how can I visit it?

I want to get into the Rome for the famous Rome derby, but don't know anything about possibilities of buying the ticket for foreigners, on which stadium should

Water tests during travelling

Bicycle.SE has a question about water safety during touring, long distance travelling with bike. It is specific to bicycles. This question is specific to tourin

Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?

Currently in Khojand, Tajikistan and wanting to take a taxi or something tomorrow to Dushanbe. The taxi drivers here are like vultures - I was surrounded by th

Are some permanent markers not safe for checked luggage?

Are some permanent markers not safe for checked luggage? This stationery retailer advertises its markers as being airplane-safe, implying that others are not.

"Flight mode" phone use banned on Ryanair. Is this a worldwide phenomenon?

On a couple of recent flights with Ryanair I've noticed that they require phones to be turned off during the whole flight even if they are in the "flight mode".