Category "cuba"

Is it advisable for US citizen to attempt a visit to Cuba w/o going through an agency?

I am aware of travel agencies catering to US citizens visiting Cuba, but are those services really worthwhile? If so, how does one go about vetting them?

Is it technically illegal for US citizens to visit Cuba? [duplicate]

There is a belief that US citizens would be doing something illegal if they were to visit Cuba. I remember hearing years ago while in Mexico

How is the weather in Cuba in January/February/March? [duplicate]

What are the weather conditions in Cuba (and Florida) in January/February/March ? Some statistics etc would be useful.

How can I estimate the crime rate in Cuba?

How/what is the crime rate in Cuba? Is walking around in Havana and travel by car through the country reasonably safe for travelers? Any tips?

How do I get a tourist visa/card for Cuba?

How do I get a tourist visa (or a tourist card) for Cuba? I live in the Netherlands, but I'm not a Dutch citizen, I have an Italian passport.

Is it cheaper to get to Cuba from Miami or Cancún?

If I'm in Miami, what is the cheapest way to get to Cuba? Also, if I'm in Cancún what's the cheapest way to get to Cuba?

What do Cuban power plugs look like?

What do Cuban power plugs look like? Are they like US or UK ones?

How to get from Cuba to Costa Rica?

What is the best option to get from Cuba to Costa Rica?

Vegetarian dishes in Cuba

I'm going to Cuba in February. As a vegetarian, food is always a challenge. The most common problems for me: I don't know the language very well The concept o

Car rental in Cuba

What prices can one expect for car rental in Cuba? On the Internet it seems ridiculously expensive, are there better deals locally? Is it possible to rent child

About a Cuban VISA that can't be stuck on the passport

I've asked the Cuban consulate the VISA for a 2 weeks holiday (I'm from The Netherlands). They sent me the VISA by mail. I'm surprised to see that it can't be

Can I walk around in Cuba with a copy of my passport instead of the passport itself?

Can I walk around in Cuba with a copy of my passport instead of the passport itself ? I'm asking this because I prefer to leave my passport in the hotel, rathe

Is it possible to travel to Cuba by sea (from e.g. Mexico)?

When I was reading about Cuba around the time I visited there (2008), I got the impression that the only way in is by air. Now, as of 2012, is this (still) the

Single travelling in Sep-Oct - which destination: China, Russia, Barcelona + Portugal, or Cuba?

I'm Israeli. I get 3 weeks vacation from work during Sep-Oct 12. I want to travel overseas (for now alone). I thought to use the relatively long vacation to ge

Are there any cheap ways to get from Jamaica to Cuba?

I'm looking for a flight from Montego Bay to Santiago de Cuba (preferred) or La Havana, but I can't find anything below 400 euros (my trip is one way, at the en

The cheapest and quickest way to get from Cuba to India

What is the best route to get to Cuba from India? In airways. Cheap and quick. And has a balance between those two.

How can I find an ATM card usable in Cuba, by a US Citizen?

It is apparently quite easy to enter Cuba (illegally) as a U.S. citizen, by flying from a third country. But according to Wikitravel, it can be tricky using a

Can an American (USA citizen) visit Cuba and make a videodocument and put it on Youtube or sell to PBS etc.?

Can an American (USA citizen; no dual-citizenship) visit Cuba and make a video-documentary film and put it on Youtube or sell to PBS etc.? Could some legal iss

Travel to Cuba as dual citizen (USA+other)?

Suppose I am a U.S. citizen with dual citizenship with another country. Citizens of this second country are allowed to travel to Cuba. Suppose further that I

Finding flights to Cuba with a flight search engine

Several of the main flight search tools (Kayak, and the like either won't show or tell you they can't show flights to Cuba due to legal