Category "vegetation"

When is a good time to visit Fethiye (Turkey) to see spring flowers and have good weather?

We wish to: Have a relaxing holiday Not to have to take our waterproofs out with us See the spring flowers Sit outside to eat We went at the end of September a

When are azaleas blooming in Sendai?

Sendai (North Japan) has a temple which is said to be splendid when azaleas are in full bloom. What is the good season to see this? If not full bloom, at leas

Where can I find unspoilt parts of Iceland: free from sheep and with natural vegetation?

Since humans arrived to Iceland, 96% of forests have been cut down and the vegetated part has reduced from 60% to less than 25%, due to severe erosion caused by

Will the tulips in Holland still be in season in early June?

I do understand that the Dutch tulip fields are in full bloom to be beheld in all their glory from April to early May, but will there be any stunning Tulip fiel