Category "gds"

Finding all flights for a given day with Amadeus GDS

Using Amadeus GDS console, is there a host command that will return a list of all flights for a given day, operated/marketed by a given airline/carrier?

What do M, D and L5 mean at the end of a line in an Amadeus Itinerary Element description?

In amadeus system when adding an itinerary element I get the following response: EK 530 B 21JAN 1*DXBCOK DK1 0245 0805 21JAN E 0 772 M 9W 312 T 30NOV 7 DEL

Amadeus GDS itinerary code - what do 050 and 010 codes mean?

I have the following itinerary from Amadeus, what do the lines starting with codes 050 and 010 mean? 1 EY1998 M 18DEC 4*DUSAUH DK1 2105 0635 19DEC E 0 332

Amadeus GDS itinerary code - What does the code 908 17, 40 , 2 mean?

In the following Amadeus itinerary What does the code 908 17, 40, 2 mean? Secondly is there any Amadeus document where I can find the list of all such code and

What do Amadeus GDS itinerary header codes mean?

I have few questions on Amadeus itinerary header lines --- TST RLR MSC RLP --- RP/BOMVS1234/BOMVS1234

What does the first line in an Galileo itinerary mean?

I have the following entry: XXXXXX/15 QSBSB 0293756 AG 99559992 19JUL Could anyone tell me what does each element / word signify?

Minimum information required to file a fare in a GDS

I would like to know how an airline files it's fare with a GDS (Global Distribution System), e.g. Sabre. What are the minimum of pieces of information required

Vacation booking reference problem with

I've just booked my trip at Aeroflot airlines via (Van Vic Vacations), I recieved a mail confirmation with the booking reference number. I've tried to use this

What is TST(Transitional Stored Ticket) in Amadeus?

A similar question asked here, but I could not get usage and meaning of TST(Transitional Stored Ticket) exactly. From Amadeus cryptic I can get pnr by RT PNRNU

Is there a way to "secure" a GDS reservation?

In general, when someone has the six number-letter combination reservation number aka. record locator and the last name of the traveler they can alter and cance

Why are some airlines omitted from GDS listings? [closed]

It seems that in North America, even downright tiny airlines like Cape Air, Boutique Air, Via Airlines, and Air Choice One (albeit not all of

Is there a connection between stopOver and numberOfStops? [closed]

When communicating programmatically with the Sabre GDS, in the documentation I always find the fields stopOver and numberOfStops. I always ass

How can you reach Amadeus on behalf of American Airlines?

I made a reservation on a website following a link from an online search engine and I honestly believe it was American Airlines -- the link sent me to i11l-serv

What is cryptic command for adding Excess Bagagge (chargeable SSR Element required) and issue EMD in Amadeus GDS [closed]

I am trying to make scenario where I want to add Excess Baggage chargeable in PNE for 1 pax 1 segment in Amadeus GDS and generate EMD for the

Number of available seats [duplicate]

is there a way to get access to a number of empty seats at different airlines? how do I get this data? Edit: my question is if the OTA's hav

Ryanair tickets not showing on checkmytrip

Does anyone know why Ryainair tickets cannot be imported into CheckMyTrip?

Does ticket re-issue result in new PNR or New ticket number

I was trying to see if a ticket is re-issued, will the old PNR and ticket number get cancelled, then a new one will be allocated? [Assume changes [ reissue] are

Database/API for airline ticket prices [closed]

Some airlines have price calendar like the following: But how can I get prices for various airlines/directions, for next 6 months, in one API

how to book Emirates ticket without surname in Travelport GDS

I want to create PNR in Travelport GDS on Emirates Airlines. Name of the Traveller is "Gaurav Kumar" but this whole name is written under Given Name and Surname