Category "bed-bugs"

What are the signs of a bed bug infestation?

Bed bugs have become a real problem recently, with more and more places reporting outbreaks. What can you do to avoid being exposed to these nasty parasites?

What do hotels (in the US) do to control and erradicate bed bugs? How good are they?

Related to this question. I've moved into a telecommuting position that requires me to travel to the worksite once or twice a month and stay in a hotel. One of

If I have to put up with bed bugs can I prevent bites or stop the itch?

Sometimes you find out too late that your room or bed has bed bugs. Now I'm not afraid of bed bugs. They don't carry disease so they're far safer than mosquito

Why is just my wife had been bitten by bed bugs? [closed]

My wife and I are travelling for a few months. Several times my wife waked up explaining that she has been bitten by bed bugs, but I don't fee

How big is the bed bug problem in the US?

This November I will be travelling to Texas, USA and am planning on staying in both Airbnb's and motels/inns. My partner is scared the quality (regarding cleanl

My Granddaughter got bedbugs in a hostel. [closed]

How do I make sure they don't get in my house, when she comes home? Will the hold of the plane be cold enough to kill them?

Ward off bedbugs on airplane

Apparently the problem of bedbugs resurgence has now spread to aircraft flown by commercial airlines as seen in: this 2017 Ars Technica story this 2016 story o

How to avoid taking bed bugs along with the luggage

Today me and my girlfriend faced a problem while staying in a airbnb rented room in barcelona - we woke up with bed bug bites all over our bodies. We've instant

Why would cockroaches and other pests thrive in a hotel? [closed]

Disclaimer: I have never been in a hotel. I'm not basing this on actual experiences. I've generally got the idea and heard many stories or re