Category "health"

Where in Thailand should I be cautious about malaria?

We have found a magnificent offer to go with our children to Thailand. It is a two week holiday starting in Bangkok going south ending at a beach resort. It all

How to cope with dry hands and cracking skin when travelling in cold locations?

So I'm from a pretty warm country, Australia but now I've spent my first month in cold Tbilisi Georgia and I lack the local know-how and intuition of how to cop

How should I schedule my medication when traveling through multiple time zones?

Suppose that I have to take some medication three times a day; one in the morning, one at lunch and one during dinner. Now when I take a plane to go on vacati

Travel health insurance that counts as "credible coverage"

I am taking a long-term international trip of around 11 months. I am quitting my job, and so will lose my health insurance. I am looking at different travel he

Gluten-free eating in Peru

For travellers going to Peru, I imagine from what I've seen there that being gluten-intolerant (or even vegetarian) may be quite difficult. Are there any loc

Precautions taking the Tren a las Nubes

I would really like to once ride with the tren a las Nubes. Wikipedia says the tour takes 15 hours, but I can't find any information on where to buy tickets and

Avoiding or minimising altitude sickness?

From my personal anecdotal experience, I've seen first-hand some horror stories with altitude sickness. I will always tell people now to acclimatise, drink flu

Getting nauseated from air travel, but it's not motion sickness... what to do?

My sister is not particularly inclined to air travel—she regularly throws up, and the feeling of nausea is evident well before motion sickness could occur

What happens if you get malaria?

This may be more of a health question than a travel question, but it definitely applies to travelers to many parts of the world. If someone gets malaria (either

Is it safe to drink tap water in Morocco?

Over the next week I'm travelling around in Morocco and I wonder whether buying bottled water is essential or tap water is safe enough to drink. According to th

Is it safe to drink tap water in Nicaragua?

When looking through travel guides and websites, I often see the statement that tap water is not safe in Nicaragua. For example, the US State Department says:

How can I find out whether I can buy medication without a prescription in a certain country?

I have to take some medication every day, so when I go travelling I take a whole bunch of pills with me but eventually after a few months I run out. In Western

What is the most effective advice to avoid/minimise risk of illness when travelling in Africa?

I'm considering some trips to Africa at some point in the future and a major concern is protecting against illness. Obviously, as with other places, the contine

Vaccinations and medicines for Peru and Ecuador

As in my previous question let me start by stating family and I are planning to travel to Peru and Ecuador, we are planning to also visit the Amazon lodge such

What happens if someone dies on board a plane?

This may sound like a stupid question, but I'm really curious about that: What happens if a passenger dies on board a plane? I once read that the person is just

When visiting urban areas in Australia, do I need to be worried about deadly insects / animals?

Australia is known to have more than its fair share of deadly insects and animals. These would obviously be a concern when, say, you're off in the wilderness bu

Is it safe to drink bubble tea in Hong Kong?

I love bubble tea and I've seen it many places for sale while walking through Hong Kong. I've read mixed reviews on the safety of Hong Kong's tap water supply,

Is MSG prevelent in Malaysian food?

I've got a trip up-coming to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Yay! But I have a severe allergy to monosodium glutamate (MSG). Boo! It triggers severe migraines so I norm

Best way to make my ears pop?

What is the best way to make my ears pop when landing on a plane? The hold-your-nose-and-pitch method is very painful; are there any other methods to pop ears?

Are there any airlines that still allow smoking on-board flights?

Do any airlines still allow smoking on-board international flights, or is this something that has been banned across the board everywhere? If this is because of