Category "freedom-of-movement"

Can I travel to Sweden as a UK passport holding resident?

I'm travelling to Sweden for a few days on the 26th of November. I'm a UK resident and passport holder, will I need any other documents in order to travel?

Don't understand about the Schengen area visa system, for staying in Denmark specifically? [duplicate]

I have a British passport, I am a citizen, lived there all my life. Do I need a visa to stay in Denmark? If not, how long would I be allowed

Travel from Netherlands, stay within Schengen - but with an expired Italian passport

Essentially looking for confirmation of my understanding of travel in and out of the Netherlands, to France (or Austria) for a week, for an EU Citizen (Italian)

Travel on low cost airlines

I've touristic Schengen visa and I need to know is possible to travel on low cost airlines like Raynair between different EU countries and cities?

How does foreigner registration in Slovenia work?

The FCO advice for Slovenia notes that: All foreign nationals visiting Slovenia must register with the Police within 3 days of arrival or risk paying a fine

Ex-con in the US, changed nationality to EU, will I be allowed entry to the UK

This may be strange question, but here goes...I was an illegal alien in the US for approx 18 years(I entered legally but overstayed). At that time I was a citiz

I’m an Australian resident with a UK residence permit. Can I stay in the Schengen area for more than 90 days?

Does a tier 5 youth mobility visa (UK residence permit) grant me the same rights of Schengen movement as a UK citizen? And if not, does anyone actually check?

Do I need a visa to travel to Paris from London?

I am a British citizen and I am going to Paris via the Eurostar from London. I am going to be in Paris for 3 nights. Do I need a visa?

VFS priority services for EEA family permit applicants

There's an EEA national in the USA who wants to take a holiday in the UK with his visa-national spouse (Cambodian). He wants to benefit from EU Directive 2004/3

Visa application issues for non-EU spouse to join EU husband [closed]

I am a British citizen living in Spain. My wife is a non-EU citizen from Afghanistan. Spain doesn't have an embassy in Afghanistan, so all vis

Russian with Netherlands residency; is a visa needed for UK holiday? [duplicate]

My partner is Russian with a Russian passport, but has a Netherlands residence permit and has lived in the Netherlands for over 7 years. What

Can EU citizens 'border-hop' between Schengen countries to prolong their 90-day maximum stay? [closed]

The European Commission states that EU citizens have the right to reside on the territory of another country "for up to three months without a

Permanent family member of Latvian citizen. Can I travel to the UK or Ireland without an article 20 residency permit?

I live with my wife since 2012 in Latvia. My wife and two kids are Latvian citizens. I hold a Latvian permanent residence card. On my residence card is written

EU resident and 90-day rule in Italy

My boyfriend and I are UK residents and, come April, will have been staying in Italy in the same place for 3 months. We wish to stay an extra month but I'm not

What evidence is acceptable in practice to demonstrate EEA nationality in absence of a passport/ID card when entering the UK?

According to the UK Home Office: Regulation 11(4) states that when an EEA national does not produce on arrival a valid ID card or passport he should be g

EEA family permit refusal - appeal or new application?

I am a German citizen and my wife is a Pakistani citizen; we live together in Germany and have a German marriage certificate. EEA clearance officer refused our

Can my in-laws travel to UK without a visa, with an Italian article 10 residence card?

I am an EEA national and my wife and her parents are European Union residence card holders. Can my in laws travel to the UK without a visa?

How do I stay longer than 90 days in Norway with an EU passport?

I am a dual U.K/U.S citizen and wish to spend longer than ninety days on a ski trip in Norway this winter. For the purposes of the trip Brexit shouldn’t b

Do I need to prove that my spouse is using their right of free movement in order to receive a family member Schengen visa?

I plan to visit Europe some time during the next year (hopefully before a hard Brexit) and want to check what I need to fulfil for Schengen visa as the spouse o

Wrongfully held at Italian passport control for over an hour (EU citizen): can I get financial compensation?

Background for anyone who may not know: I, an EU citizen, have the right to enter any EU or Schengen state (in this case Italy) using either a passport or natio