Category "winter"

Winter apparel for Europe (November-December)

I'm planning to go to Europe from 24 Nov - 5 Dec 2011 Since I come from tropical country, I really don't have any idea what should I wear during a winter. I h

Will I need to take special precautions for spending the winter in Tbilisi, Georgia?

I'm on my way to Tbilisi Georgia where I plan to stay all winter and since I'm from a warm country I'd like to know how cold it will get and whether I will need

What kind of clothes and footwear are ideal to visit Egypt?

I'm planning to visit a few places in Egypt during the month of January or February. The locations on my itinerary are: Cairo Alexandria Aswan Abu Simbel Luxo

Winter apparel for Europe (November-December)

I'm planning to go to Europe from 24 Nov - 5 Dec 2011 Since I come from tropical country, I really don't have any idea what should I wear during a winter. I h

Does it makes sense to travel to Iceland during winter? [closed]

I just saw an amazing offer to fly to Iceland in November. Although Iceland is still on my wish list, November would not be the first choice o

Where can you go lake ice skating in Southern Sweden?

Winter is coming, and if the Swedish Meteorologic and Hydrologic Institute (SMHI) is to be believed, it is going to be even colder than last year. For referen

Are there any natural outdoor ice skating locations in Australia?

I know winter is over now but it likely will be winter again by the time I get back to Australia. I also know there are a few temporary outdoor ice skating rin

Which city to visit in Europe during January?

In the first half of January, I'm planning to go on a 3-4 days city sightseeing trip in Europe. I'm looking for a nice location, but I'm not so sure which place

Weather for hitchhiking and camping in Iran in November or March

It's now early November and I'm in Tbilisi, Georgia. It's getting very cold at night (for me). I have long had a plan to hitchhike from here through Armenia an

Are there open air hot springs in natural settings in the mountains of Georgia (the country)?

After we had our first snow here in Tbilisi a few days ago and then chatting with a Japanese friend online I started to wonder... I know Georgia has no shortag

How is the weather in Cuba in January/February/March? [duplicate]

What are the weather conditions in Cuba (and Florida) in January/February/March ? Some statistics etc would be useful.

Catching snow in Southern California

We are in Southern California now and have a day to kill (in the 1st week of Dec). What we want is to experience snow before we return to warmer climates. One o

How to cope with dry hands and cracking skin when travelling in cold locations?

So I'm from a pretty warm country, Australia but now I've spent my first month in cold Tbilisi Georgia and I lack the local know-how and intuition of how to cop

What clothing should I bring to Chicago for New Years' Eve?

I have lived in Las Vegas my whole life, and often the only time I'm around snow is when it's for a sporting purpose. I've never lived someplace cold and when I

What are relaxed and interesting / not well-known things to see on a winter weekend in Prague? [closed]

I'm taking my girlfriend to Prague in a couple of weeks for her birthday. Neither of us can take much time off work at the moment, so it's a

More creative snow festivals than Sapporo snow festival

The Sapporo snow festival was pretty good. There was lots of delicious food stalls, information booths, and I even signed a petition calling for the return of J

How can I get great views of the Bugaboos (Canada) in April?

After a long stay, I am going to be traveling back to the United States from British Columbia, CA in a few weeks. I would love to climb in the famous Bugaboos,

Iceland over Christmas period

I am trying to think of a good destination for a week-long bread over Christmas or New Year's day. I am quite keen to see the aurora, hence I was thinking about

Visiting London in December - what is the weather like and where can I feel the Christmas spirit?

I would like to present to my sister a journey to London. I found an economic flight around mid-December. I have two questions: What will the weather be? Do I

Is it recommended to travel to Patagonia in May?

We're currently planning a South America trip and would love to go to Patagonia. But we're only starting in late April/early May and I'm afraid it's gonna be ve