Category "amazon-river"

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

Can somebody recommended a tour for the Amazon in Ecuador? [closed]

I'm heading to Ecuador next spring and I'm hoping someone can recommend a good tour that they took and how much it cost for how many days. I'

Travelling to Peru, should I include Brazil in my trip? [closed]

I am considering a trip to Peru. There I will visit Cuzco, Iquitos, and of course Lima. I expect to spend 12-14 days there. I am also strongly

Is it feasible to buy a small boat in Leticia, Colombia and travel down the Amazon? [closed]

Boating the length of the Amazon is a big dream but it just occurred to me that it might not be that difficult. There is a public passenger bo

Amazon forest in Colombia [closed]

I will be in Colombia for the first 2 weeks in March and want to visit the Amazon rain forest for sure. I want to take out 3-4 days for it. I

Crossing the Amazon, route 319

Google shows highway 319 crossing the Amazon River. Satellite view shows nothing there. Is it a ferry? Or just wishful thinking?

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

Stops on Manaus - Santarém - Belem boat trip

Is there any way to know where / when the boats on Amazon river will stop? Or does it depend on passengers and where they want to embark / disembark? I found

How does pricing on the Amazon River boats work?

Last week I went from Manaus to Santarém by boat. I bought my ticket in the Manaus port, from a guy standing around the entrance (he looked shady but the

How to take a boat from Iquitos to Santa Rosa/Laticia/Tabatinga?

How to take a boat from Iquitos to Santa Rosa/Laticia/Tabatinga? This is information for those who plan to do the same, as I could not find solid information.