Category "goa-india"

Return bus ticket from Bangalore to Goa?

Can we get bus tickets for going from Bangalore to Goa and back (tickets for comfortable air-conditioned buses) at the last minute (few minutes before the depar

Must-see places in Goa?

I am going to Goa for business purposes for 15 days, and will hardly get 1 day free. What are the must-see places and must-do stuff in Goa? Wh

Sporting activities in Goa

Me along with my friends are planning to tour Goa on Sept 29-Oct2. We are really interested in jet skiing, scuba diving, sailing and various such sporting acti

What is a good place in Goa to stay with a beach and scuba diving? [closed]

We are going to Goa with small children and are trying to find a nice beach resort, but with a decent dive shop, so that the adults could also

Is it possible to visit Old Goa from the beach resorts?

Is it possible to visit Old Goa (for a day trip) from one of the beach resorts? How long would a taxi drive take and how much would it cost? Or is it better to

What local sporting events are available in Goa over late December? [closed]

I'm a keen runner/swimmer/cyclist and triathlete, and love taking part in events both off road and on. Currently planning a trip to Goa from D

Why isn't it safe to swim on Goa's beaches in the "off season" (June-September)

The Wikivoyage Goa page contains the following snippet: just don't get into the water at all in the off season. The safe swimming period in Goa is November

Best time to visit Goa [closed]

Which is the best time to visit Goa. My company will be shut down on Christmas and New Year eve, and I'm planning to go to Goa during that tim

How to reach Goa from Delhi without any money

I am planning to go to Goa. The only catch is I have no money. How can I manage to do this? Taking lifts from trucks comes to mind but I have no idea how to go

Is it safe to park hired 2 wheeler near Goa beaches?

I am planning to hire a 2 wheeler in Goa for 3 full days. I love to roam Goa and beaches in 2 wheeler. I can travel wherever I want and I can stay at beaches ti

Things required for nice beach experience [closed]

I am travelling to Goa this October. This is my first time to any beach and I am not sure what should I keep in my bag and back pack to be rea

What to do landing in Goa at 3:30 am? [closed]

I am landing in Goa at 3:30 am. I need to be in Agonda beach by the end of the afternoon. Since there are no buses at that time, my only opti

If New Delhi is listed as #1 on the visa under "places to be visited", can I arrive in Goa first?

This question is on the behalf of my friend from Spain. She has a visa for India, and under the "places to be visited" section is: New Delhi Jaipur But her p

How to reach Dudhsagar Falls by Scooter in Monsoon Season?

i am newly married, and my wife love to trip dudhsagar falls on bike in monsoon in goa, let me know if its possible to visit dudhsagar falls in moonsoon. i chec

Travelling from T2 to T1 in Mumbai airport

I have seen another thread about this but it's a little old, so I'm asking the Q again as perhaps things have changed at Mumbai Airport? We arrive 1.10pm into