Category "samoa"

Are wild dogs really a problem in Samoa?

Of all the dangers to worry about when visiting a foreign country, I did not consider packs of stray dogs roaming the streets and attacking people. But apparent

Exchange old Samoan currency outside of Samoa

I have a relatively large amount of Samoan Tala left from a journey in 2007. However, as they got new bills since then no bank in New Zealand wants to exchange

What are Samoan roadside stands selling in white styrofoam cups?

I've just spent several days driving around Samoa, Upolu to be specific. There are stands by the side of road where people sell coconuts, greens, and any number

Has American Samoa in fact banned citizens of Russia from entry?

There is a report that a controversial Russian photographer has been denied American Samoa visa, because " the American Samoa Immigration Office has a travel ba